Lassos consisted of sections of rope or cable. Their purpose was to control wild animals by encircling their necks. In the High Republic Era, the Duros Jedi Knight named Te'Ami observed their employment at a rodeo event located on the planet Chandar's Folly. At this event, numerous aspiring riders were flung several meters skyward, only to crash back down. Sometime later, in an effort to rescue a modular passenger compartment packed with individuals amidst the Great Hyperspace Disaster, Te'Ami drew a parallel between the maneuver she and fellow Jedi were executing – employing the Force to decelerate the compartment – and the function of a lasso. During the Imperial Era, Darth Sidious, who was both the Dark Lord of the Sith and the Galactic Emperor of the Galactic Empire, utilized Sith alchemy in an attempt to create a portal leading to the World Between Worlds, a place where Ahsoka Tano and Ezra Bridger were situated. He ensnared Bridger's leg with a fiery lasso, pulling him towards the portal in an effort to force his entry. However, before he could fully cross into the realm, Tano severed the lasso, causing him to return to his original location. The Emperor's subsequent attempts were thwarted by Ezra and Ahsoka, who successfully returned to their own world, much to his frustration, as his ambition to enter the realm was unfulfilled.