Galactic Emperor

title: Galactic Emperor

The title Galactic Emperor, sometimes also known as Grand Emperor or simply Emperor, designated the Head of State for the Galactic Empire, as well as the later Fel and Sith Empires. This position and its associated title were initially established alongside the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY with Palpatine's Declaration of a New Order, immediately following the conclusion of the Clone Wars. When a female individual held this office, particularly after Palpatine's reign, she was generally referred to as Empress. The role was often referred to in an abstract manner as the Imperial Executive or the Imperial throne.

Powers and functions


The power and authority wielded by the Galactic Emperor primarily stemmed from the authority previously held by the Supreme Chancellor, in addition to the expanded rights, responsibilities, and powers granted to that office by the Senate during the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars. At least nominally, the Senate itself was also a source of power. The Emperor served as the supreme leader of the Imperial Ruling Council and was, at least in a symbolic or nominal sense, advised by the Imperial Senate. Officially, the Galactic Emperor was not to directly intervene in local political matters. However, during Palpatine's rule, the Emperor functioned as an absolute monarch in practice.

Emperor Palpatine on his throne

The Emperor held the positions of Head of State, Head of Government, and Commander-in-Chief of the Galactic Empire. This granted them absolute control over the Imperial Military, the bureaucracy, and the entirety of the Empire and its sectors. The Emperor possessed the exclusive power to appoint, dismiss, approve, and oversee the regional governors. The Emperor was responsible for organizing and declaring the budget, managing the economy, setting taxes, and regulating trade. They also had the authority to convene and dismiss the Imperial Senate, determine its agenda, and approve, reject, or initiate all Senatorial bills. Furthermore, the Emperor controlled, supervised, and could dissolve the Courts, holding the ultimate judicial authority. Consequently, the Emperor's word alone was sufficient for the Imperial hierarchy to execute their will. Those within the Imperial government who gained the Emperor's favor often found themselves elevated to positions of significant galactic influence. Largely due to Palpatine's use of such promotions, those closest to him formed a society of twisted sycophants and betrayers. In addition, through the Imperial Senate, he issued Intergalactic Passports that allowed bearers access to various planets under Imperial control, as well as the six primary galaxies.

As Emperor, Palpatine maintained the emergency powers that had been granted to him during the Clone Wars, allowing him to govern under what was essentially martial law. He had the power to execute, imprison, exile, banish, or confiscate anything or anyone solely on his own authority. The Emperor could also issue executive orders and proclamations that held the legal force of law within the Empire, even surpassing those issued by the Senate. The Emperor oversaw, directed, appointed, and dismissed all government officials, and established, dissolved, supervised, and directed all governmental administrations, agencies, commissions, and boards. He could also order the confiscation of all assets from defeated worlds, a practice particularly evident during the Galactic Empire's initial year. Furthermore, he could redirect funds from various departments for weapons development, even when such actions were illegal.

Beyond rendering judgment to criminals via the Judiciary system, the Emperor could also personally administer the sentence if the charge was sufficiently serious, such as high treason. The Emperor could also preside over the Shaldania Parade from the Palatial Balcony, and observe and direct the public executions of "Enemies of the Empire" during Carnival Week and New Year Fete Week, the latter of which also granted the Emperor the authority to force in the execution proceedings during the festivities.

Regarding marriages involving the Galactic Emperor, Imperial law specifically addressed the legal details of a potential Emperor's wedding, stipulating that the bride would forfeit her rights and become the groom's property—although this particular law may have been a fabrication of the Church of the Dark Side.


Beyond his virtually absolute power within the Empire's governance, the Emperor also held near-total control over the Imperial Military, with effective authority delegated to the secondary-ranking Supreme Commander. The Emperor issued orders to, at the very least, the Imperial Army, which were then transmitted down through a hierarchy from Army Command. The development of superweapons during the Emperor's reign often required his personal inspection of the development site, as demonstrated by Palpatine's visits to both Death Stars. While the first Death Star was managed by a triumvirate composed of Battle Station Command, Naval Command, and Army Command, the Emperor superseded their authority during his visits to the battle station. He also contributed to the station's development, including adding a contingency plan to transfer command to either the tower throne room or one of the lesser sections if the Overbridge was irreparably damaged. He could also influence the designs of various weaponry, as evidenced by his suggestion that the superdreadnought Eye of Palpatine specifically resemble an asteroid complete with impact craters, believing it was necessary camouflage for baffling scanners. Furthermore, the Emperor, along with Imperial High Command, explicitly authorized the use of the Death Star's superlaser, even against targeted worlds, with any unauthorized use being forbidden. The Emperor also provided the current codes for firing the superlaser. He could also place weapons and vehicles into lockdown if there was a significant security risk, as demonstrated by his suspension of the Missile Boat's deployment due to then-current events. He could also oversee the development of new weapons and the training of new personnel besides superweapons if they were deemed important enough, such as his personal observation of the development of the Cuis clones, as well as his observance of the final test to become members of his royal guard. The Emperor could also personally lead military forces into direct warfare if the battle or military operation was important enough to warrant his presence, even operating his own personal fleet of starships for the occasion. The Emperor could also redirect virtually the entire Imperial Navy (and possibly the entire Imperial Military) back to Coruscant when giving a speech to his military and citizens, as he did once in 3 ABY. The Emperor could also attend and present starfighter squadrons, such as the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing, during ceremonies if they were exceptionally renowned and skilled. The Emperor could even personally award medals, including the coveted Emperor's Will, to soldiers at his palace if their actions were extraordinary enough. The Emperor also had the power to promote Grand Admirals and Grand Moffs. Likewise, the Emperor could redirect segments of the military, such as the 501st Legion, to other sectors, whether for conflict or to sell people into the slave market. In addition, if the Emperor demanded to contact one of his officers, even in the middle of a military operation, the officer was obliged to temporarily disengage from their current assignment, even physically relocate if they were currently in a difficult environment to ensure a clear transmission. This was made especially apparent in the aftermath of the Battle of Hoth, where Lord Darth Vader, who at the time was having Death Squadron hunt down the Millennium Falcon in the Hoth asteroid field, ordered for the Executor to move out of the asteroid field after learning that Palpatine had demanded for Vader to contact him. He could also order purges within his own military, especially if some officers were showing signs of anti-Imperial sentiments.

One of the Emperor's arrival ceremonies.

Whenever the Emperor arrived at a military installation, he was often greeted with an air parade of Imperial starfighter wings, especially TIE fighters, and also had thousands of massed troops, including Stormtroopers, and technicians standing at attention. The Emperor's Royal Guard often preceded the Emperor. In addition, his shuttle was often escorted by squadrons of TIE fighters, including the Emperor's Sword and Emperor's Shield squadrons. Although Emperor Palpatine acted as the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Military, he rarely left his palace on Coruscant, which meant that relatively few Imperial personnel ever actually saw their leader.


Palpatine was both the first and only official Emperor of the original Galactic Empire. Most of the Imperial leaders that came after him were either not recognized by all Imperials or never used the title of Emperor. One, Sate Pestage, appears to have legitimately held the title in the period between Palpatine's death at Endor and his anticipated return. Pestage may have been killed before Palpatine's return, leaving the throne seemingly vacant. In addition, Trioculus, the supposed son of Emperor Palpatine, had been crowned, though the validity of this coronation remains disputed.

Lord Darth Vader would normally have been Emperor Palpatine's official heir, as he was his Sith apprentice and the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces. Although he initially intended for Vader to surpass him and take his place, there are indications that the incident on Mustafar ultimately changed this desire, and he no longer considered his right-hand man a worthy legacy. Palpatine eventually wanted Vader's secret apprentice Starkiller, and later Vader's son, Luke Skywalker, to slay the cyborg and assume his place at the side of the Emperor. However, Palpatine had also prepared clone bodies of himself to take his seat after his death, further reducing the need for a true heir. In addition, prior to his final death, he stated to various Sith spirits that he intended to rule the galaxy for all eternity, making it very unlikely that he ever truly intended to have a line of succession if it could be avoided. Despite this, Palpatine nonetheless arranged for the Dark Empire to be run on autopilot in the event that he was killed before he could utilize soul transference.

In the Declaration of a New Order, Palpatine's speech indicated that the Imperial Senate would elect the Galactic Emperor, but no one in the Imperial High Command desired to restore a body that would likely dissolve the Empire. As a result, many Imperial commanders became rogue warlords after the Battle of Endor.

There were also attempts to establish successions through lineage, either through blood relations from distant relatives (such as Ederlathh Pallopides, Palpatine's great-niece), or from individuals rumored to have been fathered by Palpatine himself (such as Irek Ismaren). Most of these latter instances were intended to act as power brokers.

After Palpatine's final death in 11 ABY, Xandel Carivus proclaimed himself Emperor, but was soon killed by Kir Kanos.

Under the Imperial Remnant, the role of Imperial Head of State was assumed by the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet.

The circumstances surrounding Jagged Fel's appointment as Emperor remain unclear, but the title became hereditary, passed down among members of the Fel dynasty such as Roan Fel. However, the Emperor shared power with a Council of Moffs rather than holding absolute authority. Furthermore, the Emperor was constantly at the mercy of the Imperial Knights, who would summarily execute the Emperor if they began to exhibit signs of adopting Dark Side behavior and refused to turn away from it. This policy was implemented to prevent a repeat of Palpatine's actions during his rule of the original Galactic Empire.

When the One Sith took over, Darth Krayt abolished the hereditary system and claimed the title of Galactic Emperor for his version of the Galactic Empire. Roan Fel continued to claim the title from his Empire-in-exile during the Second Imperial Civil War. Upon the conclusion of the war, the deaths of both Krayt and Roan Fel led to Princess Marasiah Fel becoming Empress of a now-reunited Empire.

Style of office

"His Excellency, Emperor Palpatine", one of the addresses for the Galactic Emperor

During Palpatine's reign, the Galactic Emperor was formally addressed as "His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Palpatine" (or simply "His Imperial Majesty") or "His Excellency, Emperor Palpatine." Both "Your Majesty" and "Your Highness" were acceptable forms of oral address. Governor Wilek Nereus was known to refer to the Emperor as his "Most Excellent Imperial Master Palpatine" in his messages. While Nereus used the third person in direct address as a sign of courtesy, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin did not. In any case, Palpatine was usually referred to as simply "the Emperor" in informal, everyday conversations, even among military officers. The official title of "The Galactic Emperor" was also included in the official statements on issued Intergalactic Passports. Another official title was "Grand Emperor."

Certain individuals had their own unofficial ways of addressing their Imperial sovereign. Despite being part of the Imperial hierarchy by the late Empire, Darth Vader always addressed the Emperor as "my master" in person, a sign of their mentor–disciple relationship in the dark arts of the Force. Vader would also use the pronoun "thy" instead of "your" when asking about the Emperor's bidding. Prince Xizor, a Falleen noble and the leader of the Black Sun criminal organization, addressed Palpatine as "my Emperor." Yoda, an enemy of the Empire, sarcastically referred to Palpatine as simply "Emperor" when encountering him in his senate rotunda chamber. Luke Skywalker, a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and fledgling Jedi Knight, referred to Palpatine as "Your Highness" when rejecting his request to induct himself into the Sith as his apprentice shortly after Luke defeated Vader, with Galen Marek at one point referring to Palpatine by that title under similar circumstances during their duel. Finally, those who knew that Palpatine was a Dark Lord of the Sith usually called him "my Lord," as did Jeng Droga, one of the Emperor's Hands. The Sith spirits on Korriban, when addressing Palpatine upon his entry into the Tomb of Darth Vader, also referred to him as the "Emperor of numberless worlds."

By the time of Operation Shadow Hand, Palpatine was also given the title of "His Immortal Majesty," in reference to his revival from his death at Endor via transfer essence. Although not an official title of office, Palpatine, after his revival, also adopted the title of Omnipotent Battle Leader, which he used to sway several feuding warlords into joining him before officially revealing his revival.

During the era of the Fel Empire, the reigning Emperor (or Empress) was often addressed as "His Imperial Majesty," or "Her Imperial Majesty" in the case of an Empress, a title also used for ships belonging to the Empire.

Behind the scenes

The title of Galactic Emperor was initially mentioned—though without the adjective 'Galactic'—in the novelization of A New Hope, which was ghostwritten by Alan Dean Foster and published in 1976. The complete title was first used with the Intergalactic Passport backstage pass for filming Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.

In the JC Penny catalogue description for the Darth Vader Star Destroyer playset, the portrait of the Grand Vizier was misidentified as "Grand Emperor".

In the non-canon alternative ending of Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, Kyle Katarn becomes the new Emperor, succeeding Jerec. Similarly, in the Infinities comic "Clone Wars: Infinities: What if the Father never rescued Anakin from the Dark Side?" in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Magazine 7, Anakin Skywalker, under the influence of the Son, became both the founder and Emperor of the Galactic Empire after defeating Yoda and Sidious when they teamed up. The Dark Side ending of the Revenge of the Sith video game shows Vader effectively taking command of the Empire after Sidious, already Emperor, gave him his new lightsaber, which he used to kill his master before the latter could react.

There is some debate over whether Ysanne Isard actually claimed the title of Empress. While Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties referred to her as Empress, other works like X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble contradict this (she claims it would be premature to name an Emperor while the New Republic still exists). The reference may have been figurative.

In the novelization of Star Wars, Obi-Wan mentions that there have been multiple emperors, with only the later ones becoming corrupt and the original Emperor having been assassinated earlier. It also states that the man once named Senator Palpatine was merely a puppet dictator. This was inspired by the first draft of the film, in which there had never been a Republic, only an originally-benign Empire that fell to evil. There were original plans for a plot point involving the successor to the title of Galactic Emperor in the game The New Emperor. However, this plot development was cut when the game was cancelled. Similarly, concept art for what was to be Star Wars: Battlefront IV revealed a what-if concept in which Darth Vader became the Galactic Emperor, possessing at least two variants of his armor.

