The subsequent happenings unfolded during the year 130 ABY.
- Following Darth Nihl's appointment as a Hand, Darth Stryfe ascended to the position of Fist.
- The galaxy fell under the control of the One Sith.
- The Galaxy was briefly governed by the Fel Empire.
- The Galactic Empire regained its dominion over the galaxy. [1]
- The New Jedi Temple situated on Coruscant was captured by the One Sith [7] and subsequently transformed into the Temple of the Sith. [2]
- At the Jedi Academy located on Ossus, a massacre was perpetrated by the Sith, compelling the surviving Jedi to evacuate the planet, marking the commencement of the Third Jedi Purge. [1]
- The Fel Empire underwent a division, resulting in the formation of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire and the Empire-in-exile. [1]
- The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances dissolved End, giving rise to the Galactic Alliance Remnant. [8]
- The Sith–Imperial War came to a conclusion [9].
- The Second Imperial Civil War began [7].
- Cade Skywalker started his training as an apprentice under the space pirate Rav. [2]
- Admiral Nict perished over Caamas
- Kol Skywalker died on Ossus [1]
- On Coruscant [1]: An Imperial Knight (male)[7] An Imperial Knight (female)[7] Another Imperial Knight (female)[7] Mohrgan Fel[7] A Roan Fel decoy[7]