A hand is the prehensile body part located at the termination of an appendage. The term "Hand" may also be used to describe the following:
- Shadow Hand, a designation bestowed upon the second-in-command of a Sith ruler.
- Invisible Hand, the flagship of General Grievous.
- Helping Hand, a starship in the possession of Plu Makor.
- Emperor's Hands, the title for elite covert operatives serving Emperor Palpatine.
- Emperor's Hand, which later became known as Hand of the Empire, an organization serving the Resurgent Sith Empire.
- Empire of the Hand, a Shadow Empire established by Thrawn.
- Grand Lord's Hands, a position within the hierarchical structure of the Lost Tribe of Sith.
- Hand, a servant of Darth Krayt within his One Sith organization.
- Hand, a rank within the Jedi Covenant.
- Invisible Hand cantina, an establishment on Coruscant that served as a cantina.
- Hand artifact, a dark side artifact.
- Dark Hands, a short story within the Living Force roleplaying campaign, authored by August and Cynthia Hahn.
- Gorshian hands of death, a species of plant.
- Hand of Solitude, a title.
- Hand of Thrawn, a fortress located on the planet Nirauan.
- Hand of Judgment, a group of renegade Stormtroopers operating within the Shelsha sector.
- Open Hand of Hate, a follower of Exar Kun.
- Elizabeth Hand, the author of the Boba Fett series.
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