Shelsha sector

The Shelsha sector was a region of the galaxy spanning more than fifty lightyears; it was a sector. The sector's capital world was Shelkonwa.

Among the sentient species native to the sector, the Mungra were one of only two.

Barshnis Choard held the position of Imperial sector governor during the Rebellion era, while Vilim Disra served as the chief administrator. The Imperial Army garrisons stationed on Minkring and Chaastern 4, along with the Imperial Star Destroyer named Reprisal, and patrols consisting of several Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers, constituted the only Imperial military forces operating in the sector at that time.

Pirate activity, particularly by the BloodScar gang, posed a significant problem for the sector. In 0.5 ABY, Leia Organa was briefly a captive of the Galactic Empire there, after Vilim Disra betrayed her. The Teardrop massacre also took place in the sector during this period.


