Vilim Disra

The human male politician Vilim Disra held the position of Moff for the Braxant sector and also served as Grand Moff within the Council of Moffs. During the era of military rule under Gilad Pellaeon, who was the de facto leader of the Imperial Remnant, Disra occupied these roles.

Leveraging his authority, Disra spearheaded a clandestine triumvirate. This group included Major Grodin Tierce, a former member of the Emperor's Royal Guard, and Flim, a con artist. The purpose of this cabal was to instigate an internal civil conflict within the New Republic through the manipulation of the Bothan's involvement with the Caamas Document. Disra's aim was to prevent Pellaeon from achieving a successful peace agreement with the New Republic. Prior to this, Disra had been a part of the Central Committee of Grand Moffs, a group that supported Trioculus's claim to the former Imperial throne.


Early career

Disra's career advanced when he became the chief administrator of the Shelsha sector in 3 BBY, serving under Governor Barshnis Choard. However, in 0.5 ABY, Disra betrayed Choard, who was planning to orchestrate Shelsha's secession from the Galactic Empire. For approximately two years, Disra collaborated with Choard and a mercenary named Caaldra to establish an alliance of pirate gangs, including the BloodScars. He provided them with the necessary resources to seize specific Imperial targets when the time came. Simultaneously, Disra cultivated contacts within the Rebel Alliance, falsely promising Shelsha's alliance with the Rebellion in exchange for their assistance in defending Shelsha from the anticipated Imperial retaliation.

However, Disra's true intention was to betray Choard, Caaldra, and the Rebel Alliance. He meticulously documented everything, intending to hand over Choard to Lord Vader and present himself as a hero to the Empire. His plan succeeded, facilitated by Lord Vader and his 501st Legion already being on Shelsha's capital, Shelkonwa, due to a tip Disra had sent to Imperial Center, informing Vader that Princess Leia Organa was in the city. Despite Disra imposing a city under lockdown to prevent her escape, she managed to do so with the assistance of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, the Hand of Judgment, and, unknowingly, Mara Jade. Disra expressed his desire to Vader to be appointed Governor of Shelsha following Choard's removal, but Palpatine denied his request.

Imperial Moff

Nevertheless, by 1 ABY, Disra had attained the rank of Moff. Alendar Jarvis of the New Order Progressive, a source of questionable reliability, reported that Disra was out of favor with Palpatine for some time but maintained strong relationships with key supporters of Grand Moff Traeda. This made it worthwhile for Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus to attempt to recruit him as an ally, as he was building his own court faction and trying to persuade Traeda's supporters to join it.

Caamas Document Crisis

Later, Disra engaged the services of Flim, a con artist, to impersonate Grand Admiral Thrawn. This was done to consolidate Imperial military power under a triumvirate consisting of Disra, Flim, and Major Grodin Tierce. Under Disra's leadership, the triumvirate devised a plan to sabotage a portion of the planetary shield of Bothawui. Concurrently, they manipulated the hostilities that arose from the discovery of a datacard implicating the Bothans in the post-Clone Wars bombardment of Caamas.

Disra also utilized pirate gangs, most notably the Cavrilhu gang under Captain Zothip. The Remnant provided Zothip's gang with leftover clones from Thrawn's campaign against the New Republic a decade prior, receiving Preybird-class starfighters in return. These Preybirds were essential for supplementing the dwindling supply of TIE fighters in the Imperial Navy. Although less intimidating, the Preybirds proved to be capable replacements. Disra employed the pirates to attack New Republic shipping convoys, allowing Zothip's gang to keep anything valuable while forcing the New Republic to expend resources to stop the attacks. Disra used Zothip as a pawn until Zothip arrived at Disra's private office on Bastion with murderous intent. Fortunately for Disra, Zothip was killed by an assassin, a Mistryl Shadow Guard who had also sneaked into his estate.

Despite being the creator of the secret triumvirate, Disra never truly controlled it. Major Tierce had been manipulating the group from the start. Disra planned to betray and kill Tierce and Flim when the time came, unaware that Tierce was aware of his plans. He constantly disagreed with Tierce, suspecting him of plotting to usurp his leadership. Disra continually attempted to gain the upper hand over him but never succeeded. As the first shots over Bothawui were fired, it was revealed that Tierce was, in fact, an unstable clone from a failed project. Talon Karrde, a smuggler and information broker, procured information that exposed Disra's triumvirate, leading to Disra's arrest on charges of treason.

The Council of Moffs replaced him with Ephin Sarreti.

