The Caamas Document was an Imperial record that implicated a group of Bothans in the bombardment from orbit of Caamas. The partial finding of it within the wreckage of Mount Tantiss on Wayland triggered the political and military crisis of the same name.
The original version of the document gave details on the Bothan operatives who deactivated the planetary shield of Caamas, which allowed the Imperial Starfleet to lay waste to the surface of the peaceful world. As part of his scheme to destroy the New Republic, Grodin Tierce altered the document to include the names of notable Bothan clans who were originally not involved, and made sure that copies were stored in secure Imperial vaults and military libraries.
When a datacard containing a copy was discovered at Mount Tantiss in 19 ABY, the New Republic was plunged into a significant political crisis. Agents working for the Imperial Remnant, namely Drend Navett, assisted in exacerbating the conflict, which ultimately resulted in a battle over Bothawui.
Han Solo and Lando Calrissian obtained one of the altered copies, provided to them by the con man Flim, who was posing as Grand Admiral Thrawn. This occurred after they, with the assistance of Lobot and Moegid, attempted to acquire a copy of the document by searching archives in a library located on Bastion. They immediately grew suspicious when it named Bothans from several leading clans as being involved in the atrocity. Other attempts to obtain a copy of the document were undertaken by General Garm Bel Iblis, with Rogue Squadron and Booster Terrik under his command, and by Talon Karrde. The only unaltered copy was obtained by R2-D2 on Nirauan. The Bothans named in it who were still alive were found guilty of war crimes.
The Essential Reader's Companion incorrectly states that Jorj Car'das had a copy of the document.