A significant conflict transpired at Yaga Minor. This 19 ABY clash pitted New Republic forces, commanded by General Garm Bel Iblis, against the Imperial Remnant's forces, led by Grand Moff Disra. Occurring concurrently with the Battle of Bothawui, it effectively signaled the cessation of major combat actions within the Galactic Civil War.
Despite nearing triumph over the Imperial Remnant, the New Republic found itself in a precarious position, grappling with a pair of significant challenges. The first involved the seeming return of Grand Admiral Thrawn, whose identity Disra had deceitfully assigned to the fraudster Flim. The second was the unearthing of the Caamas Document within the devastated Imperial storage facility of Mount Tantiss on Wayland, which fueled anti-Bothan sentiments, skillfully exploited by Major Grodin Tierce, the third member of Disra's sinister group. These tensions threatened to plunge the New Republic into internal strife.
Supposedly dispatched to the Kothlis system to shield Bothawui from potential assaults by anti-Bothan elements, General Bel Iblis's contingent, spearheaded by his flagship, the Peregrine, instead assembled for a clandestine operation intended to resolve the ongoing crisis. The scheme centered on acquiring a copy of the Caamas Document from the Ubiqtorate installation orbiting Yaga Minor, with the expectation that this would enable the New Republic to pinpoint the Bothans responsible for the destruction of Caamas.
To execute the raid on Yaga Minor, the New Republic sought the assistance of smuggler Booster Terrik. Terrik's ship, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Errant Venture, was stationed in the outer Mrisst system. Bel Iblis, accompanied by two hundred New Republic personnel to assist in refitting the vessel and augmenting its crew, assumed command, with Terrik remaining in the captain's position. A modest New Republic capital ship task force, led by the Peregrine under Captain Tre-na, also convened in the Mrisst system. Rogue Squadron, under the direction of Wedge Antilles, was integrated within the task force as well.
Bel Iblis's strategy involved the Errant Venture masquerading as an Imperial vessel fleeing from a New Republic pursuit force. This pursuit force, with the Peregrine at its head, would emerge from hyperspace shortly thereafter, engaging the base's defensive systems. While the Imperials were preoccupied, a team of slicers would infiltrate the Ubiqtorate station in orbit to download the Caamas Document. Should the deception be exposed, the Errant Venture would attempt to withstand the Imperial forces long enough to transmit a copy of the document to the New Republic forces in the vicinity before surrendering.
Bel Iblis opted for the Errant Venture to impersonate the Tyrannic, a ship dispatched to the Both system under the direct orders of Disra, Flim, and Tierce. Given the Imperial triumvirate's presence aboard the Imperial I-class Relentless, Bel Iblis's ploy was immediately detected.
Flim, presumably acting on Tierce's counsel, identified the Errant Venture as a ship under Bel Iblis's control and directed that it be ensnared in the tractor beams emanating from the Ubiqtorate base and its defensive perimeter. Further complicating matters, a contingent of Immobilizer 418 cruisers soon arrived to confine the remaining New Republic task force within interdiction fields. This swift response impressed Karoly D'ulin and Paloma D'asima, two members of the Mistryl Shadow Guard who were aboard the Relentless to explore a potential alliance with the Imperial Remnant.
Bel Iblis accurately deduced that the Imperials intended to capture the Errant Venture and exploit its crew as valuable hostages. Accepting the likelihood of his own demise, he instructed the Errant Venture to obliterate the tractor beam emplacements holding it and then to collide with the Relentless to disable it sufficiently for a slicer team to penetrate the Ubiqtorate base. His hope was that the slicers would manage to endure long enough to transmit the Caamas Document and that at least a portion of the diversionary task force would escape.
At this juncture, Talon Karrde's smuggling vessel, the Wild Karrde, materialized from hyperspace. Karrde had recently concluded his own mission to the Kathol sector, where he and the former Mistryl Shada D'ukal had sought to retrieve a copy of the Caamas Document from the former smuggler kingpin Jorj Car'das. Although Car'das lacked a copy, he furnished Karrde with records exposing Flim as a con man and Tierce as a flawed clone. After relaying this information to Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, Pellaeon accompanied Karrde to Yaga Minor to confront Disra.
As the New Republic fighters attempted to intervene and aid the Errant Venture, Talon Karrde persuaded Wedge Antilles to permit the Wild Karrde to traverse the New Republic lines and dock with the Relentless. There, Pellaeon and Karrde confronted Disra, Flim, and Tierce. Tierce attempted to flee, assaulting the two Mistryl observers. Shada D'ukal preserved their lives by eliminating Tierce. Flim, relieved to bring his charade to an end, issued the order for Imperial forces to stand down and relinquished command to Pellaeon. Paloma D'asima, recognizing that Shada D'ukal had saved her life and aided in preventing a catastrophic alliance between Emberlene and the Imperial Remnant, concluded that she could honorably terminate her association with the Mistryl. Admiral Pellaeon and General Bel Iblis subsequently engaged in discussions regarding peace between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant.

The Yaga Minor raid and Talon Karrde's Kathol Sector mission were not the New Republic's only endeavors to obtain a copy of the Caamas Document. Shortly after Bel Iblis embarked on his mission, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian returned from a covert operation to the Imperial capital world Bastion. Unbeknownst to Bel Iblis, the slicer Zakarisz Ghent was present on the Yaga Minor base during the battle, having infiltrated it with assistance from Admiral Pellaeon following Pellaeon's clandestine peace negotiations with Elegos A'Kla and Leia Organa Solo, and could have perished had Bel Iblis succeeded. Both the Bastion and Yaga Minor copies had been secretly tampered with under the direction of Disra and Tierce, rendering them useless to the New Republic. However, Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, and R2-D2's assault on the Hand of Thrawn fortress on Nirauan would yield an unaltered copy.