In the year 19 ABY, an unholy alliance was forged between three individuals: Moff Vilim Disra, Major Grodin Tierce (a clone), and the deceptive con artist known as Flim. This cabal was infamously dubbed the "Sinister Triumvirate." Their collective machinations instigated the Caamas Document Crisis, an event that brought the New Republic to the precipice of collapse.
The division of labor within the Triumvirate was as follows: Disra handled the realms of political maneuvering and diplomacy, Tierce contributed his expertise in military strategy and tactics, and Flim, through his talent for disguise and meticulous research, assumed the identity of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn, a decade prior, had nearly crushed the New Republic with his unconventional yet devastatingly effective command style. Disra's scheme involved using the Thrawn persona to galvanize the remaining Imperial forces, sowing discord and panic within the New Republic, all while exploiting the turmoil triggered by the revelation of the Caamas Document.
It was theorized that the Triumvirate possessed a unique stability, stemming from the irreplaceability of each member and their disparate objectives. However, in practice, Tierce held the true reins of power. He was privy to Disra's plan to eliminate both him and Flim when the opportune moment arrived. Without Tierce's military acumen, the Triumvirate would have crumbled, as neither Disra nor Flim possessed sufficient strategic knowledge. Each member was driven by self-interest: Disra craved power, Tierce sought retribution against the Rebellion, and Flim, beyond monetary compensation, relished the chance to embody the role of a lifetime.
Tierce and Disra significantly bolstered their position by sabotaging Gilad Pellaeon's peace proposal. They achieved this by abducting Meizh Vermel, Pellaeon's envoy to Garm Bel Iblis. Subsequently, they kidnapped Lando Calrissian and unveiled "Thrawn" to him. Upon his release, Calrissian immediately reported to the New Republic Senate. While some senators believed his account, others accused him of fabrication for personal gain. The New Republic, already reeling from the disclosure that the Bothans had destroyed the shield generator on Caamas, descended into complete chaos.
Capitalizing on this instability, the Triumvirate deployed three Imperial Star Destroyers, concealed under a cloaking shield, to await outside Bothawui. Their intention was to launch an attack when tensions on the planet reached their peak.
However, their scheme unraveled. Pellaeon, harboring a long-standing distrust of Disra, launched an investigation upon learning of Thrawn's reappearance and Vermel's disappearance. A fortuitous distraction caused by pirates during a meeting with Disra in his office allowed Pellaeon to pilfer several files exposing the Triumvirate and the truth about Thrawn—and Tierce. With the assistance of Talon Karrde, Pellaeon confronted Disra aboard his flagship during the Battle of Yaga Minor. He revealed his discoveries to the Moff, including the fact that Tierce was a clone. Shada D'ukal subsequently killed Tierce, and Flim surrendered, confessing his relief that the charade was over. Simultaneously, the remaining Triumvirate forces near Bothawui were defeated in the Second Battle of Bothawui. Disra was also apprehended, effectively dismantling the Sinister Triumvirate.