Elegos A'Kla, originating from the Caamasi species, held the esteemed position of Senator within the government of the New Republic. He was a key figure in settling the Caamas controversy and in the peace negotiations led by Gilad Pellaeon, which ultimately led to the signing of the Bastion Accords.
Elegos was born into the Kla Clan on the planet Caamas. Before his senatorial career, Elegos held the position of Trustant for the Morymento Caamasi Remnant. During a pirate assault on his colony, he found himself involved in a conflict between a pirate and Corran Horn. Corran was undercover in the pirate group to find his wife, Mirax. Corran rescued Elegos, and Elegos, in turn, pretended to be Corran's servant to maintain Corran's cover after saving the Caamasi. It was revealed that Elegos' uncle was Ylenic It'kla, a comrade of Corran's grandfather, Nejaa Halcyon, who was also a Jedi Knight.
Elegos played a vital role in assisting Corran on his journey to becoming a Jedi, locating his spouse, and battling the Jensaarai alongside Luke Skywalker. Following the subduing of the Jensaarai, Elegos shared a vision of his uncle and Corran's grandfather in combat with the Jensaarai leaders. This vision was instrumental in diminishing the hatred the Jensaarai harbored for Corran.
Elegos remained a supporter of the New Republic, providing assistance to Leia Organa Solo and her family during the events of the Caamas Document Crisis. He was also present as a guest at the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, in the company of individuals such as Mon Mothma, Talon Karrde, and Borsk Fey'lya.

By the time the Yuuzhan Vong commenced their invasion, Elegos was serving as a Senator in the New Republic. When Leia Organa Solo, then only a consular, addressed the Senate to warn them about the Yuuzhan Vong, Senator A'Kla was among the few who believed her account. He volunteered to accompany her on several missions to gather intelligence on the Vong, which eventually led to his own self-imposed assignment.
In the initial phases of the Yuuzhan Vong War, A'Kla journeyed to territory controlled by the Vong and surrendered himself. His intention was to engage in negotiations with the Yuuzhan Vong in an effort to comprehend their civilization and seek a non-violent resolution. A'Kla was fully aware of the potential dangers to his life and well-being (both physical and psychological), but he felt compelled to make the attempt. He gained insight into the Yuuzhan Vong and their customs, discovering the central role of pain and death in their existence, and he did so through harsh experience. Fortunately, A'Kla's resilience to pain was sufficient to prevent him from succumbing to despair.
Shedao Shai frequently engaged in conversation with Elegos, and they both gained substantial knowledge from their interactions. However, in an effort to demonstrate a point to Corran Horn, Shai murdered A'Kla to illustrate the 'correct' way of dealing with the deceased to the Jedi. Shai conveyed in a message to Horn that A'Kla's eyes reflected shock at the betrayal, yet also understanding of the necessity of his demise. His skeletal remains were adorned with jewels, as well as coatings of platinum and gold, and were dispatched to Corran Horn, who had inadvertently desecrated the remains of one of Shai's ancestors on Bimmiel.
Elegos was survived by his daughter, Releqy A'Kla. A Star Destroyer was named in his honor, which participated in Operation Safe Passage under the command of Garm Bel Iblis, as well as in the Swarm War.