Drend Navett

Drend Navett, a male Human, served as a highly skilled covert operative within the "Vengeance" unit of the Imperial Remnant. In the year 9 ABY, during the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn, he was stationed on the homeworld of the Myomarans.

In 19 ABY, he was dispatched as part of an elite Imperial strike team, the "Vengeance" cell. This unit initiated several operations against the Bothans, including acts of sabotage and the creation of chaos during protests. Through their actions, the cell successfully escalated tensions, paving the way for the commencement of the Battle of Bothawui. This was a component of Moff Vilim Disra's scheme to destabilize the New Republic by fabricating evidence implicating the Bothans in the Caamas Firestorm, the most significant Imperial act of genocide in history. However, during the cell's final objective to sabotage the planetary shield generators, Navett met his demise when a baby mawkren carrying a bomb detonated near him. Despite his death, the battle was able to commence.


During the Caamas Document crisis in 19 ABY, Drend Navett functioned as an agent of Imperial Intelligence, leading the "Vengeance" cell. In his capacity as leader, he took part in a number of anti-Bothan operations, including acts of sabotage and the provocation of deadly riots, all strategically designed to heighten tensions within the New Republic. Navett was the operative who employed a Xerrol Nightstinger during a riot on Bothawui to falsely implicate Han Solo and a Bothan leader, Rayl'skar, in firing upon the rioters.

His concluding mission involved the sabotage of Bothawui's planetary shield generators, located in the planetary capital of Drev'starn. To execute this mission, he and another agent, Klif, established a pet store called Exoticalia Pet Emporium as a front. This allowed him easy access to metalmites, which he then introduced into the shield generator buildings. Posing as exterminators alongside Klif, they distributed both insecticide and liquid nutrients. Subsequently, with the assistance of two additional agents, Pensin and Horvic, who worked at a nearby Ho'Din restaurant, he facilitated the entry of hungry baby mawkrens equipped with explosives into the generator buildings by having them follow a power conduit. This was a suicide mission: after the first wave of mawkren breached the main walls of the generator buildings, he had to accompany the second wave to destroy the generator itself. Navett perished in the resulting explosion.

Despite facing unexpected delays and an accelerated timeline due to interference from Moranda Savich, Navett's mission achieved its objective. Even a fire set by Savich in his shop only served to expedite the commencement of his operations. However, Navett would not receive any posthumous recognition for his contributions, as the Imperial Remnant ultimately suffered defeat in the subsequent Second Battle of Bothawui.

