Moranda Savich

Moranda Savich, a female Human from the Human species, was a highly skilled thief, a professional con artist, and a disguise expert. She operated both on her own and in collaboration with Talon Karrde's smuggling organization. Back in 0 BBY, she played a crucial role in helping the Rebel Alliance acquire intelligence regarding the construction of the original Death Star I. Even in 19 ABY, despite being of an age where she could have been a great-grandmother, she actively participated in Karrde's support of the New Republic during the Caamas Document emergency.


Actions on Darkknell

During the year 0 BBY, Savich found herself as a fugitive, pursued by the Corellian Security Force. Agent Hal Horn of CorSec had been hot on her heels, tracking her across Corellia, Kreeling, Dorsis, and [Mantarran], but she managed to elude him on each of those planets. While present on Darkknell, she impulsively pilfered a datapack from a customer inside the Continuum Void tapcafe located on Darkknell, not realizing that he was an Imperial defector intending to hand over the datapack to a Rebel contact. Once she discovered that she had stolen encrypted files from the Imperial Military, and that Imperial Intelligence agents were after the data (though not specifically after her), she discreetly placed the datacards into the window area of a rented landspeeder belonging to an Imperial agent. However, after completing this action, Hal Horn and Intelligence Agent Ysanne Isard identified her. As she attempted to escape, the first agent (Trabler) shot her under Isard's orders.

Assuming she was dead, Isard, Horn, and Trabler departed to continue their pursuit of the Rebel agents whom they still believed possessed the datapack. However, Savich had only sustained a wound and was transported to a secure location to receive medical attention from Garm Bel Iblis, the intended recipient of the datapack. For a payment of 50,000 credits, she consented to collaborate with Bel Iblis to recover the datacards. She accomplished this by providing false information to Darkknell's security forces, with the objective of luring Isard into the open. Having achieved this, she utilized her disguise abilities to impersonate an old acquaintance of Horn's, and she employed her pickpocketing expertise to steal Isard's identification. Subsequently, she arranged for Isard's arrest by Colonel Nyroska of the Darkknell Defense Agency, while falsely claiming to be Isard herself. By the time the local authorities realized their error, Bel Iblis had successfully retrieved the datacards, and both he and Savich had independently departed from the planet.

Actions on Bothawui

Following her experiences on Darkknell, Savich dedicated her skills to Talon Karrde's organization. While performing courier duties for Karrde on Cejansij, Luke Skywalker assisted her and her Noghri bodyguard Plakhmirakh in repelling thugs who had been employed by a Hutt syndicate. (Skywalker's presence on Cejansij was to investigate the origin of clones that had been appearing within certain pirate groups.)

Shortly thereafter, Karrde dispatched Savich to Bothawui with the task of investigating the anti-Bothan terrorist group known as "Vengeance." While in the planetary capital of Drev'starn, she crossed paths with Corran Horn (the son of the deceased Hal Horn) and Wedge Antilles, who had been assigned a similar mission for the New Republic by Garm Bel Iblis. Together, they achieved some progress in locating the Imperial Intelligence cell that was orchestrating Vengeance's activities. However, Antilles and Horn were ordered to abandon their mission in order to rejoin the rest of Rogue Squadron, which was about to join the larger New Republic task force for the Battle of Yaga Minor.

Although her criminal background prevented her from alerting the Bothan authorities, Savich persisted in harassing the Imperials. Despite initiating a fire at Exoticalia's Pet Emporium, the pet store in Drev'starn that the Imperials were using as a cover, "Vengeance" did not cease their plans. The planetary shields of Bothawui were still sabotaged, leading to a battle at Bothawui. Nevertheless, partly due to her actions, the Imperial timeline was disrupted, which was one of several factors that contributed to the Imperial Remnant's defeat.

Character and Attributes

Savich had a strong liking for Gralish liqueur, and she was frequently observed enjoying it during her exploits on Darkknell and Bothawui. She was also known to smoke cigarras earlier in her life.

Savich's personal ship, named the Fingertip Express, was a Sydon MRX-BR Pacifier scout vessel that had been sold as surplus by the Empire.

