Pensin was a member of "Vengeance", an Imperial Intelligence cell, during the Caamas Document crisis in 19 ABY. Serving under the direction of Drend Navett, he took part in acts of sabotage and riots targeted against the Bothan population. This terrorist campaign was designed to escalate conflict within the New Republic.
His last assignment involved returning to Bothawui with Navett's cell to sabotage the planetary shield generators located in the planet's capital, Drev'starn. As Navett and Klif established a front by opening a pet shop, Pensin and Horvic obtained employment at a Ho'Din eatery. This provided them access to a power conduit close to the generators, which Navett intended to use to deploy explosive-laden baby mawkrens into the generator facilities.
While Navett oversaw the mawkren operation, he joined Horvic and Klif on a mission to infiltrate the Ishori cruiser Predominance, disguising themselves as maintenance personnel. After Navett successfully deactivated the planetary shields, the three operatives eliminated their Ishori guards, commandeered a weapons turret, and initiated the bombardment of Drev'starn, thereby starting the Second Battle of Bothawui. Before being stopped, they launched eight projectiles at the unprotected city.