The Myomaran people's planet was briefly under the control of the Galactic Empire again when Grand Admiral Thrawn launched his attack in 9 ABY, resulting in a re-occupation. The Myomarans created a resistance movement that was structured during the time the Empire occupied their world. A Bith that made weapons provided arms to one of these groups of resistance fighters. Drend Navett, an Imperial operative stationed on Dordolum, utilized a grenade made by a Bith that had been taken from this resistance group to provoke and worsen a riot against the Bothan people during the Caamas Document situation in 19 ABY.
Because they have only been referenced once in Specter of the Past, it is not known if "Myomaran" refers to a unique sentient species or simply the inhabitants of a specific planet. The only confirmed information from this book is that the Myomarans were not Bith.
The name of the Myomaran's planet is also not given. However, the planet Myomar appears in several other sources.