The three-sided conflict known as the Skirmish on Shelkonwa unfolded between the forces of the Galactic Empire, a combined force of the treacherous Imperial Governor Barshnis Choard and the BloodScar pirates, and members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. This event transpired on Shelkonwa in 0.5 ABY.
Back in 2 BBY, Barshnis Choard, the Imperial Governor of the Shelsha sector, and his Chief Administrator, Vilim Disra, initiated a collaborative scheme with the BloodScar pirates. Their objective was to declare the Shelsha sector's independence. Six months following the Battle of Yavin, they reached out to the Alliance to Restore the Republic seeking their support. Princess Leia Organa was dispatched to Shelkonwa, the Shelsha sector's capital planet, to engage in negotiations. However, Disra betrayed Leia, reporting her presence to Darth Vader. Subsequently, the Executor arrived in the system, and the 501st Legion was deployed in Makrin City, Shelkonwa's capital city, with the mission of locating Leia Organa.

Additional vessels converged on Shelkonwa following the Executor: the Happer's Way, a freighter commandeered by Caaldra, the BloodScar leader, was pursued by Mara Jade's Z-10 Seeker, belonging to the Emperor's Hand. The Melnor Spear eventually touched down in Makrin City, carrying five stormtrooper deserters, known as the Hand of Judgment, and a group of Rebels (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca) who had arrived to rescue Princess Leia.
Upon landing in the city, the Happer's Way deployed an AT-ST that immediately attacked Mara Jade's fighter. Her ship was shot down, resulting in a crash landing near the Hand of Judgment and the Rebels. The troopers dispatched Luke and Han to aid their comrade, while they hastened to assist the downed pilot. Upon reaching the crash site, Mara assumed command of the troopers, effectively using them as her personal stormtrooper squad, a situation they had to accept to avoid blowing their cover. As Luke and Han located Leia and began their escape, Chewbacca, aboard the Melnor Spear, assisted Mara and the troopers in neutralizing the AT-ST, only to discover that Caaldra was not inside. The AT-ST was operating under autopilot.

The Emperor's Hand deduced that Caaldra had already reached Choard's Palace. She instructed the Hand of Judgment to accompany her to the palace to eliminate the pirate and the governor. They successfully infiltrated the palace, eliminating all guards encountered. Mara directed the troopers to execute Choard, while she pursued Caaldra. Before his death, Caaldra revealed that Disra, not Choard, was the mastermind behind the plot to secede from the Empire. Mara, now believing in Choard's potential innocence, rushed to prevent the troopers from killing him. However, the troopers had already apprehended him, but were stopped by Marcross, one of their own, who revealed himself to be Choard's nephew. Marcross had hoped his uncle was innocent, but Choard revealed his true colors by divulging information known only to the conspirators. As Choard attempted to escape, Mara, who had just arrived, apprehended him and ultimately handed him over to Darth Vader.

The Rebels successfully returned to the Alliance without any issues. Chief Administrator Disra severed all connections to the conspiracy and provided records that implicated Choard. Despite not being fooled, Emperor Palpatine and Vader did not arrest Disra. As for the Hand of Judgment, Mara allowed them to leave, influenced by their story and their assistance to her.