The Z-10 Seeker-class scout ship, a type of scout ship, was produced by Starfeld Industries.

Its length measured 20.3 meters, and it could accommodate 1 pilot, 2 passengers, consumables for two months, 5 metric tons inside the ship, and an optional 20 additional metric tons of cargo within each of the two attached cargo pods.
The ship's speed in atmosphere could reach 1000 kilometers per hour. Sublight speed was achieved using a Miradyne Limited RCS-1 flight control computer and a Novaldex JV-71 ion engine; however, the attachment of cargo pods slowed it down and decreased its maneuverability. It featured a Class 1 hyperdrive along with a Class 12 backup.
Although lacking shields, the vehicle was equipped with a Fabritech ANx-y/2 sensor cluster and a forward-mounted BlasTech Industries Prm-3 pulse laser cannon. The cannon's power was limited, and its firing arc was restricted to the front. Because the Fabritech sensor was responsible for targeting, the vehicle became defenseless if the sensor malfunctioned.
The Seeker was developed to replace the Pathfinder from Vangaard Industries. It found use as a scout for the Scout Force, or as a courier within the Outer Rim by private individuals and criminal elements.