
Caaldra, serving as a Human male mercenary, operated around 0.5 ABY. Possessing a remarkably unremarkable appearance and build, with a forgettable face, he nonetheless proved to be a competent combatant.


Caaldra's duties involved recruitment for BloodScar, operating from within the Shelsha sector. He oversaw the military elements of Governor Barshnis Choard's scheme to gain dominion over the Shelsha sector. Individuals from swoop gangs, pirates, smugglers, and other Fringe elements were brought into his ranks. Furthermore, he provided reports to the governor's residence concerning significant developments, notably the actions of the Hand of Judgment. He employed pirates and swoop gangs to procure military resources for use against the sector's garrison forces, specifically E-Web repeaters. These thefts culminated in an assault on Happer's Way and its payload of 50 AT-STs, which he intended to utilize to subdue the larger Imperial garrisons. This theft was prevented by Mara Jade, who subsequently infiltrated Bloodscar's pirate haven under the guise of a ship thief. While Caaldra unmasked her, she managed to escape as the base underwent bombarded by Captain Ozzel aboard the Star Destroyer Reprisal. Caaldra also fled, reclaiming the Happer's Way and heading towards Shelkonwa. Jade pursued him there, but was briefly waylaid by an AT-ST that Caaldra had programmed to run on autopilot. Mara Jade, assisted by the Hand of Judgment, infiltrated the governor's palace with the intent of apprehending Choard. During this operation, she engaged Caaldra in combat, successfully navigating one of the traps he had constructed to safeguard the palace, ultimately resulting in his death.

Personality and traits

Caaldra demonstrated both strategic acumen and martial prowess. When sensing him and his cohorts through the Force, Mara Jade discerned that he possessed a higher level of combat expertise than the mere hired killers he employed. Caaldra also excelled in the creation of traps and defensive measures, as evidenced by his work at a BloodScar base—the one infiltrated by Mara Jade—and the palace on Shelkowna. His traps frequently incorporated fire and flammable substances, including a chamber designed to flood with a highly combustible liquid that would then pool outside the door, allowing him to ignite it remotely. He also deployed Nouland flares to fortify the governor's palace. He recognized, unlike Choard, that Disra was essentially orchestrating their rebellion, although he remained unaware that Disra's motive was to set Choard up for arrest.

