Rufaan Tigellinus

Rufaan Tigellinus, rising through the ranks, became both a Grand Admiral and subsequently a Grand Moff in the Galactic Empire, until his demise in 5 ABY. Noted for his political acumen and captivating personality, Tigellinus garnered significant media attention and was viewed as a pivotal figure in the complex world of Imperial Court maneuvering. Already holding the esteemed position of fleet admiral, he received the promotion to Grand Admiral in 2 BBY directly from the Emperor himself, Palpatine. Aboard his flagship, the Star Destroyer known as Avatar, he dedicated a considerable amount of his time to eliminating pirates operating within the Outer Rim Territories. As the Galactic Civil War intensified, Tigellinus strategically positioned himself within the Imperial Court, seeking to expand his sphere of influence. He forged alliances with influential individuals such as Moff Vilim Disra and Imperial Advisor Alec Pradeux, and gained membership into the ancient and exclusive Order of the Canted Circle. When Thrawn, an alien admiral serving within the Imperial Navy, attempted to navigate the treacherous waters of Imperial Court politics, the Humanocentric Tigellinus initially befriended him, only to later orchestrate his downfall, leading to Thrawn's expulsion from the Empire.

Shortly after this, Tigellinus leveraged his significant political influence to secure the appointment of Grand Moff of the Imperial Center Oversector, a feat accomplished with the assistance of Vilim Disra, who evolved into a mentor figure for Tigellinus. Following the death of Emperor Palpatine during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Admiral Tigellinus became a participant in the Central Committee of Grand Moffs. Bertroff Hissa, a near-Human who led the Committee and with whom Tigellinus had a history of conflict, presented Tigellinus with an insulting proposition: a position on the Committee, but without the leadership role that many anticipated he would receive. Hissa's intention was to provoke Tigellinus into refusing, thereby providing Hissa with a justification to execute him. Although Tigellinus initially considered accepting the offer, Disra advised against it. Tigellinus ultimately rejected the appointment, leading to his execution by the Committee on grounds of perceived disloyalty, while Disra seized control of Tigellinus' assets and assumed his seat on the Committee.


Grand Admiral

As a Human male, Rufaan Tigellinus possessed a captivating personality and was a well-known figure within the Imperial Court, frequently featured in the media. He was also a highly regarded strategist who served as a fleet admiral in the Imperial Navy for a considerable period. In 2 BBY, during the celebrations of New Year Fete Week, Emperor Palpatine established the rank of Grand Admiral, inducting Admiral Tigellinus and eleven others into his select "Circle of Twelve." Tigellinus' reputation was such that his appointment faced minimal opposition from within the Galactic Empire. Leveraging his newfound authority, the Grand Admiral further enhanced his standing within the Imperial Court, cultivating a substantial following.

Tigellinus held command of the Star Destroyer Avatar in the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. During this time, he attempted to capture the Poss'Nomin pirate Reginald Barkbone, who had been raiding numerous star systems spanning from the Outer Rim Territories to the Colonies. Tigellinus and the Avatar pursued Barkbone across multiple sectors, but the pirate's Star Galleon, Robber Baron, consistently managed to evade capture. In his ship's log, Grand Admiral Tigellinus pledged to eliminate the pirate Barkbone. This log was later submitted to Grand Vizier Sate Pestage as part of an Imperial Security Bureau report compiled by Commander Maximillian Seerdon. Around the same period, an alien named Thrawn joined the Imperial Navy, attaining the rank of captain. Tigellinus, a staunch advocate of Humanocentrism, harbored animosity towards Thrawn and sought opportunities to remove him from his position.

Several months following the catastrophic Battle of Yavin, Admiral Tigellinus began to exert significant influence in Imperial Court politics on Coruscant. He formed an alliance with Lord Alec Pradeux, an Imperial Advisor believed to be close to Emperor Palpatine, and rapidly established a considerable faction. In late 1 ABY, Tigellinus endeavored to secure support for his protégé, Gerald Weizel, to become the governor of the planet Chandrila. On 36:9:4, media outlets reported that Weizel had gained the endorsement of Moff Jamson Caglio. This event marked a significant milestone in Tigellinus' ascent, as Caglio had been a staunch supporter of Tigellinus' rival faction led by Traeda, and securing his backing was perceived as a substantial stride towards the center of power. Concurrently, Admiral Tigellinus attempted to recruit Moff Vilim Disra, a figure with extensive connections to Grand Moff Traeda but who had recently fallen out of favor with the Emperor, into his faction. The media closely monitored the situation, and journalist Alendar Jarvis of the New Order Progressive published a report detailing Tigellinus' progress.

Admiral Tigellinus, alongside Grand Moff Traeda and Moff Jaan, presided over the New Year Fete Week festivities in the Emperor's absence, as the sovereign was engaged in Imperial affairs in the Deep Core. Soon after, Thrawn, now holding the rank of admiral, entered the realm of Imperial politics. Tigellinus continued to harbor a deep-seated aversion to non-Humans and resented Thrawn's intrusion into his domain. He feigned friendship with the alien admiral, intending to later betray him.

Approximately six months later, Tigellinus was initiated into the Order of the Canted Circle, an exclusive, ancient, and highly selective social organization. The Order rarely admitted more than eleven members at any given time, but Tigellinus became the thirteenth member since 5 BBY, making his invitation a surprise to the media. His selection ahead of numerous prospective members, each a revered leader within the Imperial government who had been awaiting an invitation for several years, underscored Tigellinus' rising prominence. Tigellinus donned the traditional black velvet robe of the Order during his public induction ceremony at the Skydome Botanical Gardens. Later that evening, a private ceremony was conducted at an undisclosed location, formally inducting Tigellinus as a full member of what was considered one of the most prestigious social clubs in the galaxy.

Tigellinus' induction into the Order was somewhat overshadowed by the induction of Thrawn, who returned to Coruscant after an extended assignment in the Outer Rim, several months later. Rumors circulated that the Emperor had personally requested the Chiss admiral's invitation, but his inclusion was still considered remarkable, as he was the fourteenth member and a non-Human. Tigellinus was incensed and attempted to leverage his influence to prevent Thrawn's induction, but his efforts were unsuccessful. Although he attempted to conceal his actions to maintain his facade with Thrawn, the media speculated that Tigellinus was the driving force behind the opposition.

Grand Moff

Darth Vader, the Sith Lord Tigellinus met with.

Around the same time, Grand Admiral Tigellinus' ambition for greater power received a significant boost when the Supreme Commander, Darth Vader - one of his primary rivals on Coruscant - departed the capital to lead Death Squadron in the Outer Rim, a deployment that the media anticipated would last for an extended period. Tigellinus met with Vader just days later as part of his official duties, during the unveiling of Vader's flagship, the Star Dreadnought Executor, the first of its class, near Kuat. Tigellinus, Vader, Thrawn, and others stood alongside Palpatine during the unveiling ceremony.

Tigellinus and Thrawn were among the notable absentees from the Shaldania Parade at the commencement of Coruscant's New Year Fete Week on 38:F1:1. While their absence was officially attributed to assignments elsewhere in the Empire, Galaxy News Service reported that both admirals' factions within the Imperial Court were vying for more influential positions. Tigellinus soon implemented his plan to ensure Thrawn's disfavor within Palpatine's Court. He betrayed the alien admiral, ultimately leading to Thrawn's expulsion not only from Coruscant, but from the entire Empire. Thrawn was exiled to the Unknown Regions, and Tigellinus was believed to have achieved a major victory. However, the Chiss commander's downfall was orchestrated by the Emperor for his own concealed purposes. Tigellinus also developed a dislike for the ruthless tendencies of Delak Krennel, the effective but brutal captain of the Star Destroyer Reckoning, and in an effort to both eliminate Krennel and antagonize Thrawn, Tigellinus had Krennel exiled to the Unknown Regions to serve under the Chiss.

Shortly thereafter, Tigellinus determined that his skills were better suited to governing regions rather than safeguarding them, and he utilized his considerable political influence to secure an appointment as Grand Moff. While he had many allies, he also faced opposition from several of his fellow Grand Moffs, including Bertroff Hissa, a near-Human Moff. Tigellinus maintained a somewhat competitive relationship with Vilim Disra, whom he had once courted, but Disra's contributions to the Grand Admiral-turned-Grand Moff were invaluable. With Disra's assistance, Tigellinus assumed control of the Imperial Center Oversector, considered one of the most strategically important sectors in the galaxy.

In 3 ABY, on 38:5:11, the Emperor tasked Tigellinus with leading an investigation into the affairs of Jerrod Maclain, the governor of Brentaal, who had been accused of corruption and "behavior unsuitable for an Imperial diplomat." Tigellinus' appointment surprised Imperial Court observers, who deemed him too important and influential to be assigned such routine investigative duties. However, Alec Pradeux, his longtime ally, informed the media that Palpatine's selection of such a prominent individual underscored the gravity of the situation. Tigellinus addressed the media regarding the impending investigation, expressing his suspicion that those who had betrayed Maclain were involved in a plot to usurp his power. He also assured the media that Maclain was a loyal servant of the Empire and that Tigellinus would conduct a thorough inquiry.

Following the deaths of Palpatine and his top lieutenant, Vader, at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Empire descended into chaos, and numerous individuals sought to claim the Emperor's former authority. Tigellinus continued to defend his territories while awaiting the emergence of Palpatine's successor. Eventually, Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard emerged as the new leader of the Empire, although many others coveted power and opposed her. A coalition of Moffs, led by Grand Moffs Bertroff Hissa, Dunhausen, Thistleborn and Muzzer, established the Central Committee of Grand Moffs, which openly challenged Isard and proclaimed the throne for their ally, Trioculus. Given his previous authority and influence, Tigellinus was widely regarded as a natural leader of the Committee. However, Hissa, Tigellinus' adversary from his early days as a Grand Moff, presented him with a humiliating offer: membership on the Committee, but without any further authority. Hissa manipulated events so that Tigellinus' refusal would result in his execution. Upon the advice of his trusted colleague Disra, Tigellinus declined the offer, leading to his execution by Hissa and his allies. Disra then capitalized on the situation by seizing Tigellinus' assets and assuming his position on the Committee.

Personality and traits

Rufaan Tigellinus was a highly ambitious and driven individual, possessing abundant charisma, political acumen, and tactical prowess. His ambition propelled him to the upper echelons of Imperial politics, making him one of the Emperor's most trusted subordinates. However, others, such as Darth Vader, held the Grand Admirals in low regard. Tigellinus excelled at cultivating alliances with individuals who could facilitate his rise to power, as demonstrated by his relationships with Alec Pradeux and Vilim Disra, both influential figures who played a significant role in establishing Tigellinus' presence in the Imperial Court. He employed unscrupulous tactics to achieve his objectives, feigning friendship with Thrawn with the intention of betraying him, solely because the admiral was not Human. Despite this, Tigellinus was easily manipulated by Disra; his trust in his friend ultimately led to his downfall. He was also remarkably persistent, relentlessly pursuing the pirate Reginald Barkbone through numerous systems and vowing to conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding Governor Maclain.

Tigellinus was a staunch proponent of Humanocentrism and harbored animosity towards non-Humans and near-Humans. Upon learning of Thrawn, then a captain in the Imperial Navy, he vowed to undermine the Chiss and ensure the brevity of his Imperial career. He later betrayed Thrawn, and his animosity towards the alien was not a closely guarded secret. Tigellinus also clashed with a near-Human, Bertroff Hissa, on numerous occasions while serving as a Grand Moff. The overt disdain that Tigellinus displayed towards Hissa was not forgotten by the Sephi Grand Moff, who later orchestrated Tigellinus' demise.

Behind the scenes

Rufaan Tigellinus was conceived by Paul Sudlow for Galaxywide NewsNets, a recurring series of articles featured in the Star Wars Adventure Journal. He made his debut in issue eight, published in November 1995, and appeared frequently until issue fourteen, with some articles co-authored by Peter M. Schweighofer. Tigellinus was the third named Grand Admiral, a rank that first appeared in Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy. The other two were Thrawn, who debuted in Heir to the Empire, and Josef Grunger from The Glove of Darth Vader.

Tigellinus remained unreferenced for many years and was not mentioned in Daniel Wallace and Kevin J. Anderson's The Essential Chronology, released in 2000, which addressed the ultimate fates of many of the Grand Admirals. Wallace referenced the character in 2002's The New Essential Guide to Characters, and later, he and Abel G. Peña expanded Tigellinus' history and backstory in the character's biography in Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals, published in Star Wars Insider 66. Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals was originally intended to appear under the title Dirty Dozen: The Imperial Grand Admirals in an edition of Star Wars Gamer Magazine, but the magazine was canceled, and the article was moved to Star Wars Insider, resulting in the removal of much of the original content. Some of this removed content, such as Tigellinus' Star Destroyer, Avatar, has since been referenced by other sources and incorporated into canon. The remaining content is summarized in the subsequent section. In addition to the deleted content pertaining to his life, the original draft also included roleplaying game statistics, including Tigellinus' equipment: a blaster pistol, a comlink, his code cylinder, a pendant of the Order of the Canted Circle, and an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, named Avatar. Daniel Wallace later posted the equipment list for each of the Grand Admirals on his blog. Tigellinus has since been mentioned in The New Essential Chronology, Underworld Appendix: Swoops, Spice, and Wretched Rogues and Barely Tolerable: Alien Henchmen of the Empire.

In Galaxywide NewsNets from Star Wars Adventure Journal 14, Tigellinus is inexplicably referred to as a "Grand Moff," despite all previous NewsNets articles identifying him as a "Grand Admiral"—a demotion. Peña and Wallace established that Tigellinus decided to become a Grand Moff around the time of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back; however, there has been some confusion among fans as to whether Tigellinus retained his rank or if a new Grand Admiral was appointed, as Palpatine desired to maintain a complement of twelve Grand Admirals at all times. Peña clarified on the message boards that, in his opinion, it was possible for Tigellinus to hold both positions, at least informally, due to his political influence. In 2008, Tigellinus received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia by Stephen J. Sansweet, Pablo Hidalgo, Daniel Wallace and others.

Cut content

Tigellinus rapidly ascended the Imperial Court politics scene, amassing a substantial following. He quickly drew people into his sphere of influence, and those who opposed him soon found their careers in ruins. Disra, Tigellinus' mentor, advised him to "know your enemies as intimately as friends." Consequently, when Thrawn, whom Tigellinus considered an alien freak, became involved in Imperial politics, Tigellinus did precisely that. He facilitated Thrawn's admission to the Order of the Canted Circle, where he consistently undermined the alien's influence and turned the Order against him. Thrawn possessed considerable intellect, which few could match. Tigellinus managed to do that and more, orchestrating—or so he believed—Thrawn's banishment. Tigellinus acknowledged Thrawn's skill, claiming he played the game well, but remained confident in his own intellect.

Tigellinus held his fellow Grand Admirals in low regard. He considered some to be utterly incompetent, others to be talented military strategists lacking tact or guile outside of the bridge, and he was quick to identify the character flaws of many of his peers. Tigellinus relished a challenge, and after Thrawn's exile, he found none among the ranks of the Grand Admirals. However, when he observed the Grand Moffs, he recognized several worthy adversaries—Ardus Kaine, Kentor Sarne and Nivers—prompting him to become a Grand Moff himself.

