Alec Pradeux

Alec Pradeux served as a confidential advisor to Emperor Palpatine.


Imperial advisor

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Alec Pradeux held the position of advisor to Emperor Palpatine. Known for his charisma and skill in dealing with the media, Pradeux was among Palpatine's most trusted confidants, said to have the Emperor's full attention. His influence rivaled that of numerous Grand Moffs, including Vilim Disra, establishing him as a significant figure in the political landscape, widely recognized for his power. Pradeux acted as Palpatine's official representative to the newsnet, regularly disseminating carefully crafted information that portrayed the Empire favorably while quashing rumors and inaccuracies through consistent public statements. Furthermore, the Emperor entrusted Pradeux with a variety of other responsibilities.

The Candorian plague

In the year 1 ABY, the inhabitants of Dentaal, an Imperial-controlled world, successfully expelled the Empire from their homeworld and proclaimed their independence. In response, Crix Madine and the newly established Imperial storm commandos secretly unleashed the devastating Candorian plague upon the planet. This disease, which had previously ravaged much of the galaxy over a millennium earlier, had remained dormant for decades, but the Empire had preserved samples for potential deployment. The plague was airborne, spread rapidly, and was highly infectious with no known cure. Within weeks, Dentaal was transformed into a desolate, lifeless wasteland, with over ten billion fatalities attributed to the disease. Pradeux was assigned the task of conducting a fabricated investigation into the outbreak and presenting the fabricated findings to the media. Some weeks afterward, Pradeux delivered a statement concerning the matter on Imperial HoloVision. The Empire had fabricated a narrative pinning the blame for the outbreak on the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and Pradeux dutifully conveyed this deception to the Imperial populace, falsely claiming that the Rebels had engineered the disease within their laboratories on Alderaan. According to Pradeux's account, the Emperor had attempted to destroy the Rebels' samples of the disease, but he had acted too late to prevent some quantities from being smuggled offworld. Pradeux asserted that these samples, contained within small canisters, had made their way to Dentaal, though it was not their intended destination; he claimed that the Rebels had inadvertently released the deadly disease, with the galactic capital of Coruscant being their true target. While Pradeux acknowledged the events on Dentaal as a tragedy, he cautioned viewers about how close the Rebels had come to annihilating the population of Coruscant, and warned that additional canisters containing samples of the Candorian plague might still exist elsewhere. Pradeux's statement served to discredit and demonize the Rebel Alliance, while simultaneously instilling fear within the Imperial citizenry, thereby making them more compliant to Imperial rule, in accordance with the Imperial Doctrine of Fear.

New allies

In the months that followed, Pradeux was among the numerous Imperial advisors who aligned themselves with the emerging Imperial court faction led by Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus, who had decided to venture into the realm of court politics. Tigellinus' association with Pradeux was a crucial element in his ascent to power, a fact that was widely reported by the media. The two would remain allies for several years.

During the New Year Fete Week of 3 ABY, Pradeux once again found himself in the public eye. As Palpatine was unable to attend the festivals for the second consecutive year, Pradeux was tasked with delivering the message to the public. He informed the people that Palpatine was in good health and spirits, but was unable to attend the celebrations due to conducting official Imperial business in the Deep Core; Pradeux also suggested that the Emperor was finalizing plans to eradicate the Rebel Alliance. Addressing the absence of other prominent Imperials, such as Pradeux's ally Tigellinus and Darth Vader, the newsnet liaison stated that the Empire required constant and meticulous oversight to ensure efficient operation and the maintenance of order. In Palpatine's absence, Pradeux and fellow advisors Kren Blista-Vanee, Sate Pestage and Bregius Golthan presided over the majority of the Fete Week festivities.

Palpatine returned to Coruscant approximately three weeks later, and one of his initial actions was to meet with Imperial advisor Bregius Golthan. Immediately following this meeting, Golthan was appointed to oversee the Imperial Ministry of Security and dispatched to the Core Worlds. While his promotion was initially kept quiet, Pradeux disclosed it to news reporters during a press conference approximately a week later. Pradeux issued a statement, ostensibly to dispel persistent rumors of Golthan's illness, and to inform the public of his supervisory appointment.

Later activities

Several months later, Pradeux's ally Tigellinus—now holding the title of Grand Moff—was once again the subject of news reports, though for unexpected reasons. He had been assigned to oversee investigations into the financial activities of Brentaal IV Governor Jerrod Maclain, a decision that surprised court observers, who did not anticipate seeing such a high-ranking and influential Imperial—and a member of the prestigious, exclusive Order of the Canted Circle—relegated to such commonplace duties. Pradeux commented on the matter, asserting that the Emperor's decision was final, and emphasizing that Tigellinus' appointment merely underscored the gravity of the situation.

Following the Battle of Endor, he maintained his alliance with Tigellinus.

