Bertroff Hissa

Bertroff Hissa was a near-Human Imperial Grand Moff. In 5 ABY, he spearheaded an attempt to unseat Ysanne Isard from her position as the Galactic Empire's leader. Born to a Human father and a Sephi mother, Hissa based his operations out of the Kessel system during the Galactic Civil War. He formed an alliance with Trioculus, a three-eyed slavelord. Following the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Hissa established the Central Committee of Grand Moffs. This committee then appointed Trioculus as their public face, falsely claiming him to be Emperor Palpatine's son.

The only obstacle preventing Trioculus's rise to Emperor was Kadann, the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side. Securing Kadann's dark blessing was crucial to Hissa's plan. Although Kadann initially bestowed his blessing upon Trioculus, he soon withdrew it, declaring himself the Emperor. Initially believed to have been killed by the Prophets, Trioculus survived. He then collaborated with Hissa and the other Moffs to devise a strategy to reclaim his throne. However, members of the Rebel Alliance assassinated Trioculus, leaving Hissa and the Moffs to face Kadann's retribution alone. The Supreme Prophet condemned Hissa to a protracted and agonizing death. Before the execution, Hissa was transported to the fourth moon of the planet Yavin. Kadann was searching for the Lost City of the Jedi there. Hissa met his end when Kadann sent him on a scouting mission into a potential location of the city. This location was in reality a trap, filled with molten lava.


Early life and career

Commander Panaka, Hissa's Imperial mentor

Born to a Human father and a Sephi mother, Bertroff Hissa originated from the desolate, uncharted planet of PL-40112-CE-021105. This planet lies within the Wild Space region of the galaxy. Seeking a "simple and natural" existence, his parents, former political activists and counter-culturalists, chose to settle there. Growing up in isolation, Hissa struggled to form connections and remained a solitary figure. His life underwent a dramatic shift upon his first encounter with the Galactic Empire, the autocratic, galaxy-spanning government under the rule of Emperor Palpatine. During this time, an Imperial surveying team arrived on the planet, led by Commander Quarsh Panaka, a Human hailing from Naboo. The offworlders inadvertently roused a group of Rozzum. These interdimensional beings had been abandoned there long ago by the Order of the Terrible Glare, a rogue faction of the Jedi Order that emerged during the Pius Dea Crusades.

Despite their inherent speciesist tendencies, the Imperials found the Rozzum more terrifying than any other "alien" they had ever encountered. In response, the Imperials and the natives of PL-40112-CE-021105 united to fight the creatures. Hissa and his parents were also drafted into the ranks by Commander Panaka. The unlikely alliance between the Empire and the near-Humans proved victorious, but only Hissa and Panaka survived the ordeal. Following this triumph, Hissa embarked on an improbable career within the Galactic Empire, despite its xenophobic and Human supremacist ideology. While serving in the Imperial Military, Hissa faced significant prejudice due to his near-Human status. However, Panaka championed and supported him until his own promotion to Moff of his home Chommell sector.

Grand Moff

Hissa eventually achieved the rank of Grand Moff, making him one of the few aliens in the Empire to reach such a high position. He also discovered that many of his colleagues aboard the "Moffship," particularly Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus, harbored xenophobic sentiments. Tigellinus even claimed to be allergic to the slightest trace of alien blood. Due to Hissa's reluctance to discuss his past, his origins remained largely unknown. However, his jaws, featuring razor-sharp teeth and tapered ears, clearly indicated his mixed Human and alien heritage. He had personally filed down his teeth to intimidate others. His unusual features and classified past fueled rumors that he possessed Devaronian or Pau'an genetics, or that he was a Twi'lek who had removed his own lekku. Hissa actively encouraged and even initiated these rumors. He had a receding hairline, but thick, dark eyebrows and a prominent beard. Hissa was one of the few non-Humans to rise through the ranks and attain a position of power in the Galactic Empire, eventually becoming the Grand Moff of a sector in the Outer Rim Territories, which included the planet Kessel, his base of operations. During his tenure as Moff, he made several enemies, including Rufaan Tigellinus, who sought to discredit him due to his alien heritage. Nevertheless, Hissa maintained his position and was one of the few Imperials who reported directly to Emperor Palpatine. Hissa, in turn, despised Tigellinus and his Humanocentric views.

While stationed on Kessel, Hissa learned about a three-eye slave named Trioculus. Trioculus had successfully uncovered a Rebel cell in his village, and his loyalty and dedication to the Imperial cause impressed the Grand Moff, leading to a friendship. Trioculus advanced to the rank of Lord Overseer and Supreme Slavelord of the Kessel spice mines. When Reskell Twane, Trioculus's predecessor and foster father, was captured by the Rybet Moruth Doole and offered to Trioculus in exchange for control of half of Kessel, Trioculus sought Hissa's advice. Hissa advised Trioculus that a true Imperial never yields to threats. Trioculus followed this advice and rejected Doole's offer. By the end of the Galactic Civil War, Hissa wielded considerable influence among the other Moffs and was generally respected.

Another close friend of Hissa's was Quorl Matrin, an Imperial governor representing the Gordian Reach who shared Hissa's interest in archaeology. Matrin addressed Hissa by his nickname, "Troff," and often imitated their superiors, much to Hissa's amusement. They maintained contact even when Matrin was away, such as during his expedition to the planet Stenos to study the Stenax species. Matrin intended to keep Hissa informed about his expedition, including the challenges he faced in gaining the natives' attention. However, their relationship ended shortly after the trip began, when Quorl was torn apart by the Stenax.

Struggle for power

In 4 ABY, Emperor Palpatine and his enforcer, Darth Vader, were killed during the Battle of Endor, creating a significant power vacuum within the Empire. Numerous individuals vied to succeed Palpatine, with former Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard eventually securing the support of most of the Imperial remnants. However, Hissa and many of his fellow Moffs sought to maintain their own power and formed the Central Committee of Grand Moffs to challenge Isard's authority, with Hissa appointed as the Committee's leader. Stationed on their own Moffship, the Committee included senior Moffs such as Muzzer, Thistleborn, and Dunhausen. Hissa's former adversary, Rufaan Tigellinus, was considered by many as a potential leader in Hissa's place. To neutralize this threat, Hissa offered Tigellinus a humiliating position on the Committee, knowing that refusal would result in his execution. Tigellinus's friend, Moff Vilim Disra, manipulated him into refusing. Hissa and the other Committee members reacted with fury and had Tigellinus killed, while Disra assumed his seat and acquired the majority of his assets.

While some Imperials sided with the Committee of Grand Moffs, most remained loyal to Isard. The Moffs were aware of the existence of an heir to Palpatine's throne: his three-eyed son, Triclops, whom he had rejected and exiled to the spice mines of Kessel. Rumors surrounded Triclops, and Hissa and his fellow Moffs believed that using him as a figurehead would garner the support of much of the Imperial forces, enabling them to overthrow Isard and seize control of the galaxy. However, installing Triclops as the new Emperor presented several challenges; the three-eyed man was believed to be insane, and Hissa feared he would gradually destroy the Empire. Therefore, Hissa kept Triclops's existence a secret and recruited Trioculus, his former ally from Kessel.

Trioculus, another three-eyed mutant, was deemed a more suitable Emperor by the Committee. He craved power, and the Moffs believed that by making him the public leader and demonstrating unwavering loyalty, he would allow them to make his decisions. Presenting Trioculus as a candidate would grant the committee true power, and his claim of being Palpatine's son would arouse little suspicion. They also equipped him with implants that could simulate Force lightning, further supporting his claim. However, the Prophets of the Dark Side, led by an impostor posing as Supreme Prophet Kadann, had issued a false prophecy stating that the new Emperor would wear the glove of Darth Vader, which had supposedly survived the destruction of the second Death Star above Endor. The prophets held considerable influence during Palpatine's reign, so, despite recognizing Trioculus as the new Emperor, Hissa and the Moffs decided to search for the glove, hoping to secure Kadann's dark blessing.

Meeting on Kessel

Hissa and his associates convened an Imperial gathering at Kessendra Stadium on Kessel, where they unveiled the new Emperor before numerous high-ranking Imperials. Hissa addressed the large audience, composed of individuals of various Imperial ranks. He declared that the Emperor's death, Vader's death, and the destruction of the Death Star were merely minor setbacks. The Rebels had yet to witness their true power and might, and with new weapons on the horizon, Hissa's Empire would crush the Rebel Alliance and rule the galaxy. To the attendees' surprise, Hissa announced that Palpatine's lineage continued and introduced them to Trioculus.

However, questions about Trioculus's right to rule immediately arose. An Imperial Royal Guard informed them that Admiral Josef Grunger had declared himself the new leader of the Empire. Hissa and Trioculus remained unfazed, with the three-eyed slavelord assuring the congregation that he would soon deal with Grunger. Another individual questioned Trioculus, pointing out that he did not possess the glove of Darth Vader and therefore could not have received Kadann's blessing. Enraged by their doubt, Trioculus used his implants to electrocute them, instantly instilling fear and respect in many other attendees. With numerous admirals and Moffs pledging their allegiance to Trioculus and the Central Committee of Grand Moffs, Hissa and the mutant departed the stadium, triumphant.

Hissa and the other Moffs are ordered to secure the glove of Darth Vader.

Although many now acknowledged Trioculus as Emperor, Hissa faced a challenging situation. Obtaining Kadann's blessing would attract many supporters, and the Prophets themselves would be valuable allies. However, if someone else found the glove and presented it to the Supreme Prophet, the Committee would lose its power and credibility. Hissa was determined to prevent this and knew he had to find the glove before anyone else. It was, however, a difficult task. They deployed probe droids to search the Moddell sector, and every Imperial loyal to Hissa was on the lookout for the glove.

While their agents tirelessly searched for Vader's glove, Hissa and the other Moffs met with Trioculus in his mansion on Kessel. The mutant desired a new secret base of operations and sought the Committee's input. This was a novel experience for them, as neither Vader nor Palpatine had valued their opinions. After several suggestions, Hissa mentioned Hoth, the planet where the Empire had defeated the Rebel Alliance two years prior, which resonated with Trioculus. As they ordered every warlord and admiral loyal to them to deploy their troops to Hoth, Grand Admiral Miltin Takel, under the influence of spice, accused Trioculus of acting rashly. Trioculus stunned Takel, and Hissa executed his superior's unspoken order by shooting Takel with his sidearm.

The elusive glove

Several days passed without any sign of the glove. Hissa and Trioculus grew increasingly worried. The only reported sighting turned out to be a droid hand, which was of little use to them. Finally, they discovered the glove's location: Mon Calamari, the ocean planet of the Mon Calamari species. Captain Dunwell had been dispatched by the Empire to hunt the local Whaladons, considered a delicacy by the Committee. Dunwell had discovered what he believed to be wreckage from the Death Star and had observed a glove through his team's x-ray surveys. Hissa and Trioculus immediately traveled to Calamari, where Dunwell showed them the x-rays. Although the Death Star had exploded on the opposite side of the galaxy from Calamari, the debris had passed through a black hole and ended up on the ocean floor of Calamari. After convincing them it was the glove, Dunwell transported them to the wreckage in his Whaladon-hunting submarine.

Hissa watches as Trioculus stuns the naysayers.

They eventually reached the wreckage, and Trioculus retrieved the glove alone, while Hissa remained with Dunwell in the submarine. Trioculus soon returned, and the glove fit his hand perfectly. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker and Admiral Gial Ackbar had traveled to Calamari to free the Whaladons and had spotted Trioculus aboard Dunwell's submarine. The Jedi's submarine was captured by Dunwell's vessel, but Skywalker managed to infiltrate it and set it to self-destruct. Trioculus and Skywalker engaged in combat, but Skywalker's Jedi powers proved too strong for Trioculus. Luke subdued him before fleeing the ship. With only two minutes remaining on the countdown, Hissa and Trioculus escaped in an escape sub, abandoning Dunwell, who had been spying on them and discovered that Trioculus was not who he claimed to be. They ultimately escaped and, despite nearly perishing and being forced to leave Dunwell to die, the mission was successful, as they had recovered the glove.

With the glove secured, Hissa and Trioculus journeyed to the space station Scardia in the Null Zone, seeking Kadann's dark blessing and recognition of Trioculus as the rightful heir to the late Palpatine's throne. In reality, Kadann was an impostor incapable of making genuine prophecies. He relied on a network of spies for information and often manipulated events to ensure his prophecies came true, resorting to bribery, sabotage, and treachery.

The Lost City of the Jedi

They met with High Prophet Jedgar, who led them to Kadann. Hissa declared that Trioculus was Palpatine's son, but Kadann saw through the deception. The Grand Moff and his friend conferred. Hissa knew of Kadann's spy network and advised Trioculus that Kadann knew everything and could not be deceived. At Hissa's urging, Trioculus agreed to reveal their secrets and plans to Kadann, knowing that any attempts at deception would be futile. They disclosed everything, including Hissa's motives for installing Trioculus as Emperor. Kadann understood and was not angered by their deception. They presented him with the glove and requested his blessing, but the Prophet issued another vague prophecy. He warned them of a Jedi Prince in the Lost City of the Jedi on Yavin 4 who could destroy him. Trioculus vowed to find and kill this Jedi Prince, and Kadann granted him his dark blessing.

Bertroff Hissa with Emperor Trioculus.

Hissa and Trioculus faced a difficult task. Although Kadann had provided a vague indication of the city's location, finding it would take days. The supreme prophet urged them to locate the Jedi Prince as soon as possible. Together, they devised a plan: they would issue the Senate Planetary Intelligence Network an ultimatum so dire that the Rebels would be forced to reveal the location of the city, which Trioculus was certain they knew. They dispatched numerous probe droids to the moon, locating SPIN's base of operations. They then sent a droid, armed with a self-destruct mechanism, into the Rebels' meeting place, where leaders such as Mon Mothma, Ackbar, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo were present. Hissa and Trioculus observed the proceedings from orbit through miniature cameras installed on the droid. They watched as the Rebels attempted to destroy the droid, which evaded their every move. After witnessing the pandemonium in the Rebel chambers, Trioculus issued a statement to SPIN, demanding that they reveal the location of the Lost City of the Jedi within twenty seconds, or the droid would detonate, killing them all. In reality, neither Skywalker nor the others knew the city's location, so they desperately tried to destroy the droid before it could destroy them. However, Skywalker foiled Trioculus's plans by destroying the droid with his lightsaber. Trioculus remained unfazed; he and Hissa had a backup plan, and he had found his "future wife," Leia Organa, with whom he had instantly fallen in love.

Hissa had hundreds of Imperial vehicles burn down the forests of Yavin 4, which were obstructing their search for the "round wall of green marble" that Kadann had described. However, this would have unforeseen consequences for Trioculus and his allies. Although he had kept it secret, Vader's glove was negatively impacting the mutant's health. His eyesight had gradually deteriorated until he was unable to see, and Hissa sought a cure. The Empire had captured a Ho'Din healer named Baji during their purges of the forests and brought him before Hissa and Trioculus, hoping he could restore their leader's eyesight. The Ho'Din provided them with a temporary cure of kibo seeds, but his supply was dwindling, and the Empire was burning down the remaining kibo plants. Desperate, Hissa's master climbed into Baji's home to steal the remaining seeds, but he returned with severe burns. He eventually decided to discard the glove, having his droid create a replica, but he kept it with him at all times.

Their efforts to find the Lost City were unsuccessful, and the Jedi Prince, named Ken, was taken in by Luke Skywalker and the other members of SPIN. Hissa and his master vowed to destroy the Rebels and placed a bounty on Ken.

A shift in power

Although they had yet to capture the elusive Jedi Prince, Hissa and Trioculus began to operate separately for a time, with the Grand Moff focusing on capturing Ken while Trioculus sought to win over Princess Leia. Hissa even personally posted advertisements for the bounty on walls, and was doing so in the Mos Eisley cantina when Zorba Desilijic Tiure returned from his lengthy prison sentence on the planet Kip, searching for his son Jabba. Hissa informed him that Princess Leia Organa had strangled him during the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon one year prior. Pleased by the pain he had inflicted on the Hutt, Hissa departed Mos Eisley, acting alone while Trioculus pursued his own goals.

Hissa holding Ken hostage.

While Hissa was away, Trioculus intensified his attempts to abduct Princess Leia, with the intention of claiming her as his own. Simultaneously, Ken was captured by Zorba, while Trioculus successfully seized Princess Leia. Zorba's motivation was to exact vengeance on the Alderaanian for his son's death, whereas Trioculus sought to acquire the Jedi Prince. A straightforward exchange proved unsatisfactory for both parties, leading to a clash between Trioculus's stormtroopers and Zorba's forces, culminating in Trioculus's imprisonment within a carbonite slab on Bespin. However, the Moffs had conceived a strategy.

Zorba had ascended to the position of Baron Administrator of Cloud City, granting him authority over the entire Cloud City police force. Nevertheless, the Cloud Police Chief, aligned with the Empire, informed the Moffs of Trioculus's carbonite-encased location. They devised a scheme and, under the cover of darkness, transported Trioculus's body onto their Imperial Strike Cruiser. Hissa was overjoyed by his master's arrival, but before they could release him from the carbonite, High Prophet Jedgar arrived aboard the Scardia Voyager, demanding Trioculus's body be surrendered to the Prophets of the Dark Side.

Hissa was puzzled, considering Kadann had already bestowed his dark blessing upon Trioculus. Yet Jedgar remained firm, informing Hissa that Kadann no longer recognized Trioculus as Emperor. He commanded the Moff to pledge allegiance to the Prophets, and upon Hissa's refusal, the High Prophet presented a file detailing the Moff's activities, significantly larger than those of other Moffs. After Jedgar revealed just one page, the Humanoid swore an oath of allegiance to Kadann. Jedgar then had the carbonite block transferred to his ship and instructed Hissa to accompany him on a mission to the planet Duro. The Grand Moff was unaware of their destination's purpose, as Kadann was restricting the Committee's access to highly classified information. The Supreme Prophet had orchestrated a coup, seizing complete control of the Empire.

Disaster on Duro

Hissa loses his limbs in the acid on Duro.

While en route to Duro, Hissa's vessel encountered the Millennium Falcon, piloted by Han Solo, a renowned Rebel hero. Seizing an opportunity to ingratiate himself with Jedgar and the Prophets, Hissa ordered his most skilled gunners to target the ship. Although they inflicted damage, Solo skillfully evaded them, landing on Duro's surface. Upon landing, Hissa finally discovered the reason for their visit—Triclops had escaped, and Jedgar required his recapture. Simultaneously, Kadann had Trioculus's carbonite block destroyed on his space station, granting the Prophets absolute authority over the Central Committee of Grand Moffs.

They lacked information on Triclops's whereabouts, but they knew he couldn't leave the valley where his asylum was without a vehicle. Utilizing a massive drill, they breached the roof of a cavern, discovering several prominent members of the Rebel Alliance, along with Triclops and Ken, the Jedi Prince. Spotting Ken, Jedgar instructed Hissa to seize the boy as a hostage; the Grand Moff complied, forcing Luke Skywalker to cease his attack. Skywalker surrendered his weapon at Hissa's command, but Triclops, now allied with the Rebels, employed his third eye to generate a powerful magnetic force, pulling Ken away from Hissa. Triclops then approached Hissa, seeking retribution for the Moff's role in his imprisonment. However, before Triclops could harm him, Hissa plunged into a pool of acidic liquid leaking from Tiercam Dam. As the valley crumbled, the Imperials and Rebels fled, leaving Hissa practically alone, screaming in agony from the acid's effects.

Moff Conference

Trapped in the acid, Hissa suffered the loss of his arms and legs; abandoned by Jedgar and the Prophets, he was rescued by a lone stormtrooper, who extracted him from the bubbling acid moments before it consumed him entirely. The Grand Moff was fitted with mechanical arms—salvaged from a malfunctioning JMM assassin droid—but his legs couldn't be replaced, confining him to a hoverchair for the rest of his life. Enraged by Jedgar's abandonment, he convened a Mofference with his fellow Committee members aboard their Moffship orbiting Tatooine, to strategize their revenge against the Prophets who had usurped their power. Numerous rumors circulated, including one suggesting Kadann planned to disband the Committee, demote each Moff, and assign them undesirable duties on remote worlds.

Their meeting, however, was soon interrupted; MD-5, Trioculus's former personal droid, announced that Zorba the Hutt's personal starship, the Zorba Express, was within range of their tractor beams. With the other Moffs' approval, Hissa had the Moffship capture the Zorba Express, hoping to avenge themselves on the Hutt gangster.

The few loyal stormtroopers they had boarded the ship, taking Zorba and his Barabel bodyguard Tibor hostage. Hissa however, soon smelled carbonite, and had the ship thoroughly searched. They soon found Trioculus, encased in a block of carbonite. Zorba had left but a replica in the Cloud City museum, fooling the Empire while he kept the real block close to himself. They unfroze Trioculus, and Hissa spent several minutes informing him of all that had happened while he was unconscious. Trioculus then threatened Zorba with death, though the Hutt made a deal with Hissa and Trioculus: he would give them Princess Leia in return for his freedom. Leia was located on the Zorba Express; Trioculus asked for her hand in matrimony, though she immediately refused. He forced her into marriage regardless, hoping to gain favor by killing Zorba. He had the Hutt thrown into the sarlacc pit, though this simply repulsed Leia further.

Bertroff Hissa confined to a hoverchair at Trioculus and Leia's wedding.

Trioculus insisted on an immediate marriage ceremony; Hissa was tasked with reciting a passage from the Dark Book of Imperial Justice before officiating the wedding aboard the Moffship. However, SPIN had learned of Leia's abduction; before the ceremony could commence, Skywalker, Solo, and Lando Calrissian replaced Leia with a Human replica droid. The Leia Organa HRD was indistinguishable from the real Leia, and neither Hissa nor Trioculus detected the substitution. The wedding proceeded as planned, with Hissa reading from the Dark Book of Imperial Justice, but soon the Leia Organa HRD activated its advanced weaponry, firing a laser bolt at Trioculus's chest. Hissa immediately retaliated, destroying the HRD with multiple shots, but Trioculus was gravely wounded.

Hissa and MD-5 labored to save Trioculus's life, but they knew his survival was unlikely. On his deathbed, Trioculus cautioned Hissa, who had remained steadfastly loyal, about Kadann, warning that he would stop at nothing to destroy and discredit the Moffs. Hissa was particularly vulnerable, having been the most devoted to Trioculus and having defied the Prophets. The former Emperor implored his friend to assassinate Luke Skywalker before succumbing to his injuries. He was cremated, his ashes sent on pods in all directions of space.


Zorba, meanwhile, had survived his ordeal within the Sarlacc—Hutt meat being one of the few things the creature found indigestible. Driven by a desire for revenge against Hissa, he journeyed to Scardia to meet with Kadann, informing him of the Moff's treachery. The Prophets' extensive network of spies had already uncovered this, and several Star Destroyers were actively searching for the Moffship. Kadann was also seeking the Lost City of the Jedi, hoping to uncover the secrets of the Jedi Knights and crush the Rebellion.

Hissa tumbles down into the lava on Yavin 4.

The Supreme Prophet swiftly located the Moffs, capturing them and subjecting them to trial on his space station above Scardia. Accused of treason against the Empire, Moffs Thistleborn, Dunhausen, and Muzzer confessed their guilt, but Hissa vehemently denied the charges. He asserted his right to be treated as an Imperial war hero, citing the loss of his limbs on a mission for Kadann, and argued against the reliability of Zorba's testimony. Kadann delivered a prophecy regarding the outcome and shared it with the jurors, instructing them not to be swayed by it. The jurors found the Moffs guilty, declaring Hissa the most culpable and deserving of severe punishment. While Kadann sentenced the other Moffs to assignments on harsh worlds, he condemned Hissa to a slow and agonizing death. The Grand Moff would be starved and then, on the verge of madness, served a meal of biscuits infested with spice grubs. The parasites would then gradually devour him from the inside out, until he perished.

Before he could fully grasp his fate, Hissa was transported to Yavin 4, where Imperial spies had supposedly discovered the Lost City of the Jedi. However, Kadann soon questioned the accuracy of this information and sent Hissa—chained to his hoverchair—into the city to assess its safety. His suspicions proved correct; the Grand Moff was immediately engulfed by a surge of molten lava, resulting in his instant death.

Character Traits

Moff Hissa possessed a cunning and manipulative nature, often operating in secrecy to advance his own interests. Driven by an insatiable thirst for power, Hissa refused to be a minor figure under Ysanne Isard's rule, leading to the formation of the Central Committee of Grand Moffs and creating further division within the post-Endor Empire. Even after the Committee's establishment, Hissa yearned for greater authority, installing Trioculus as a symbolic Emperor while he and the other Moffs wielded the true power. Despite his tendency to scheme behind his allies' backs, Hissa demonstrated remarkable loyalty, both to the Empire and to his fellow Moffs. Surprisingly, he also held considerable respect for Trioculus—who was, in reality, merely Hissa's puppet—remaining faithful even when siding with Kadann would have been more advantageous. The two may have shared a sense of empathy, being among the few non-Humans to attain prominent positions within the Humanocentric Empire. Despite essentially exploiting him for his own gain, Hissa was exceptionally supportive of Trioculus, striving to fulfill his every need, whether it was arranging hunting trips to alleviate his stress, assisting in his pursuit of Princess Leia, or seeking a remedy for his eyesight.

Hissa also possessed a degree of bravery, being the only Moff to challenge Kadann and refute the accusations against him. He also risked persecution by a multitude of individuals when proposing Trioculus as the true leader of the Empire, among them Ysanne Isard and the Prophets of the Dark Side.

Behind the scenes

Bertroff Hissa was conceived by Paul and Hollace Davids for their Jedi Prince series of books, where he functioned as one of the primary antagonists. While the events depicted in these books are largely disregarded by the broader Expanded Universe, Hissa received mentions in Star Wars Insider 66, The Essential Guide to Characters, and Star Wars Gamer 1, which also revealed his first name. In the 20 Most Memorable Moments of the Expanded Universe, an article published in Star Wars Insider 83, "the Villainy of Emperor Trioculus and Grand Moff Hissa" was identified as the fourth "goofiest moment" in the EU.

Bertroff Hissa and his trusted associate, Trioculus, both had elaborate backstories crafted by Abel G. Peña and Rich Handley, intended for inclusion in Aliens in the Empire, but these were removed by Lucasfilm prior to the article's publication. Their backstories eventually surfaced in the Star Wars: Blogs article Barely Tolerable: Alien Henchmen of the Empire. Although Hissa's hybrid status had been alluded to as early as the second edition of A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, the specific non-Human component of his heritage remained unspecified beyond being part-alien. It was only with the release of the blog post that Hissa's alien ancestry was definitively identified as Sephi.

