Glove of Darth Vader

Glove of Darth Vader1 Trioculus finds Darth Vader's Glove within a mass of wreckage located on the ocean floor of Dac

The Glove of Darth Vader was a Mandalorian Crushgaunt that had been modified to fit around one of Lord Skere Kaan's impervious Sith amulets. Darth Vader himself wore this gauntlet on his right hand. While both gloves that formed a part of Darth Vader's armor incorporated micronized Mandalorian iron to offer protection against direct hits from blaster fire (a characteristic that was ultimately unnecessary due to his Force abilities), the Glove of Darth Vader had unique capabilities, such as circuitry that enhanced grip strength.


During the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker used his lightsaber to sever Vader's hand. The cybernetic hand then fell down a shaft in the Emperor's throne room aboard the Death Star. Soon after, the battle station was destroyed, and it was assumed that Vader's glove was lost forever. However, the glove survived, trapped within a piece of debris that came to rest on the aquatic planet of Dac. It had been transported through a wormhole that was created by the explosion of the hypermatter core of the Death Star.

In the year 5 ABY, Kadann, the false Prophet of the Dark Side, prophesied that the individual chosen to inherit the Galactic Empire would appear while carrying the Glove of Darth Vader. Bertroff Hissa, the former Imperial Grand Moff, exploited this supposed prophecy to declare Trioculus, a mutant-[Human](/article/human-legends], as the new Galactic Emperor. At the Kessendra Stadium on Kessel, Hissa presented Trioculus as the son of the deceased Emperor Palpatine, and Trioculus then began his quest to find Darth Vader's glove. The information regarding the glove that was given to the false Kadann, and therefore to Trioculus and Hissa, came from Sate Pestage. Unbeknownst to both parties, Pestage's motivations stemmed from Emperor Palpatine's resurrection after his death above Endor. Palpatine intended to use the amulet to rapidly strengthen his body and restore his powers, as the ordeal had left him weakened.

The three-eyed mutant did not find much value in the gauntlet as a symbol, but he believed it had immeasurable potential as a weapon. He thought the glove was a mystical artifact that granted the wearer the ability to use telekinesis to attack others from afar. Trioculus was unaware that this ability was primarily a result of Darth Vader's skill with the Force and had little to do with the glove itself.

MD-5 examines the Glove of Darth Vader

Trioculus hired Captain Dunwell, an unscrupulous Whaladon hunter, to transport him through the Valley of the Giant Oysters on Dac. He personally wore a submersible wetsuit and recovered the glove from the wreckage of an ion deactivator that remained from the Death Star.

Admiral Ackbar and Luke Skywalker, heroes of the Rebel Alliance, piloted a Calamarian minisub into the valley and intercepted Dunwell's ship. Trioculus tried to use the "power" of Darth Vader's glove against Skywalker, but it had no effect. Skywalker survived the attacks and successfully destroyed Captain Dunwell's ship, but Trioculus escaped with the glove. He had his technicians equip the glove with technology that could simulate Vader's Force Choke, but he soon stopped using it after discovering that frequent use caused periods of blindness and withered his hand. Trioculus ordered his servants to create an exact replica of the glove, and the real glove was returned to the false Kadann. Azrakel then took it from Kadann's corpse and used its power to help him slaughter the true Prophets on Bosthirda. After Azrakel's death, it was believed that Lumiya came into possession of the Glove. Later, Glah Ubooki, a Bimm merchant, claimed to possess a glove that Darth Vader had worn, but he did not specifically state that it was the Glove of Darth Vader itself.

