Mon Calamari submersible

A Mon Calamari submersible represents a common type of underwater transportation utilized within the oceans of Dac. Cilghal employed one of these crafts to transport Leia Organa Solo to Gial Ackbar's residence during his period of self-imposed isolation. Reflecting the design ethos of many Mon Calamari vehicles, each submersible was uniquely constructed. Typically, they possessed an iridescent exterior, reminiscent of fish scales. The cost for a brand new typical submarine was 18,000 credits, while a used one could be acquired for 7,000.

Variant models

The Calamarian minisub used to retrieve the glove of Darth Vader during the Trioculus affair

Numerous models and sizes of submersibles were in service by the Mon Calamari on Dac; for instance, the Calamarian minisub was piloted by Luke Skywalker and Admiral Ackbar to recover the Glove of Darth Vader during the Trioculus affair. Certain versions of these submersibles featured a pair of substantial grappling arms affixed to the hull, and a military version was also produced that included a torpedo launcher.

A particularly noteworthy example was the Elfa, owned by a Yarin harbormaster stationed at Crystal Reef. The Jedi Cilghal, Jacen, Tenel Ka, Zekk, and their associate Anja Gallandro utilized it to eliminate a clandestine cache of andris spice located beneath a polar ice cap on Dac in 24 ABY.

