The Strike-class medium cruiser, often shortened to just Strike Cruiser, represented a medium-sized star cruiser. It was conceived by the Loronar Corporation during the Galactic Civil War for the Imperial Navy. Its design focused on versatility, enabling modular adaptations for diverse mission requirements, while maintaining cost-effectiveness for mass production.
Measuring 450 meters in length, the Strike-class possessed the capability to challenge larger Alliance cruisers, owing to its surprisingly substantial firepower, robust shields, and impressive sublight speed. Its armament consisted of 20 light turbolasers, ten turbolaser batteries, ten ion cannons, and ten tractor beam projectors. However, its internal storage areas and underlying structural framework were vulnerable to enemy fire once its shields were compromised.
The Order of Battle equated the combat effectiveness of two Strike-class cruisers to that of a single Victory-class Star Destroyer.
The internal storage capacity of the Strike-class could be reconfigured to suit various mission objectives. The most frequently employed configurations were tailored for planetary garrison duties, space superiority operations, and planetary assault missions. Planetary garrison configurations included an assault company, two AT-STs, one AT-AT, and several support speeders. Space superiority configurations could accommodate up to three squadrons of TIEs. The planetary assault configuration included five AT-ATs.

The creation of the Strike-class cruiser marked a shift away from the Navy's increasing reliance on ever-larger warships. Its development acknowledged the Empire's declining ability to effectively maintain space superiority against the Rebel Alliance and other opposing forces as the war progressed.
While Luke Skywalker was in recovery from the injuries he sustained during his duel on Cloud City, the Rebel Fleet was en route to its designated rendezvous point when an Imperial Strike-class cruiser detected them and attempted to transmit the Rebels' coordinates to Darth Vader. However, the Rebels countered by jamming Imperial communications and deploying Rogue Squadron's X-wings under the leadership of Wedge Antilles. The Strike Cruiser's TIE Fighter squadron was swiftly overwhelmed, prompting its commanding officer to initiate an escape maneuver. The Imperials prioritized the defense of the Strike Cruiser's aft section by concentrating its shields towards the stern, successfully deflecting the initial barrage from one of the X-wings. Subsequently, Rogue Five exploited the relatively weaker shielding on the ship's bow, launching a pair of proton torpedoes that resulted in the Strike Cruiser's destruction. Rogue Three's X-wing sustained engine damage during the engagement, and the Rebel Fleet was compelled to alter its course as a precautionary measure to evade detection.
During rogue Admiral Zaarin's campaign within the Omar system, he successfully trapped Admiral Thrawn's flagship, the Sceltor, and dispatched the Strike Cruiser Serpent to eliminate his adversary. Although Thrawn's Victory I-class Star Destroyer possessed superior overall firepower, Zaarin's cruiser held an advantage by approaching from the rear, where the Star Destroyer's turbolasers had limited firing arcs. However, this strategy backfired when Maarek Stele employed a Mag Pulse torpedo to disable the Serpent just as it moved into firing range of the Sceltor. Consequently, Zaarin's Strike Cruiser found itself temporarily incapacitated, its shields gradually depleted by the sustained fire from Thrawn's flagship. By the time the Mag Pulse effects subsided, Stele had neutralized the remaining shields of the Serpent and rendered it inoperable using his TIE Defender's ion cannons.
During the Imperial campaign to suppress the proliferation of TIE Defender technology within the Eva-T system, the Strike Cruiser was utilized by five distinct factions: loyalist Imperials under the command of Thrawn, the traitorous Zaarin, the Rneekii, the Nami, and the Rebel Alliance. Zaarin initially collaborated with the Nami, who later attempted to sell the TIE Defenders to the Rebels, potentially explaining the widespread deployment of the Strike Cruiser, despite its Imperial origins.
A significant drawback of the Strike-class cruiser was ironically a consequence of its greatest strength. The ship's modular design meant that a single, well-aimed hit could damage the densely packed power connectors linking different sections, leading to the shutdown of entire systems or weapon batteries. If the ship sustained too many critical hits from high-impact weapons (such as proton torpedoes or heavy turbolasers), its structural integrity could be compromised, resulting in its disintegration (as exemplified by the fate of the Termagant). When the ship initially entered full naval service, this vulnerability was considered a minor issue, as the Empire possessed ample resources to replace damaged or lost components, which were deemed "disposable" at the time.

However, as the war intensified and large starships became increasingly scarce, the Imperial Remnant recognized the need to enhance the durability of this otherwise reliable, versatile, and strategically valuable class of cruisers. This led to the reinforcement of the connections between the cruiser's core structure and its modular attachments, aiming to prevent easy separation. Nevertheless, these points remained the most vulnerable areas of the Strike-class, prompting pilots and commanders on both sides of the Galactic Civil War to adapt their tactics accordingly.
At least one Strike-class cruiser, the Peregrine, underwent modification by the Rebel Alliance, receiving two large, bulbous housings for gravity well projectors salvaged from a captured Imperial Interdictor cruiser. The Rebels designated this vessel as a modified strike cruiser.
The Eidolon represented a prototype for a modified Strike-class cruiser, redesigned under the direction of Sate Pestage to improve protection for its complement of TIE fighters. This prototype never progressed to full production, as the project served as a scheme by Pestage to embezzle funds for his personal enrichment, concealed within a private retreat on Tatooine.
One Strike-class cruiser, the Termagant, was deployed by Warlord Zsinj alongside his Super Star Destroyer, the Iron Fist, to intercept and destroy a New Republic bacta convoy.