
The Nami were originally nomadic warriors who, following the Clone Wars, transitioned into pirates operating in the Outer Rim Territories.


Hailing from the Galactic Core, they were forced into the Rim during the Clone Wars and subsequently faded from galactic awareness.

Some years later, a Nami woman named Ali Tarrak rose to leadership. The warriors under her command seized a prototype TIE/D Defender starfighter, a new model produced by the Galactic Empire, and nearly triggered an arms race by attempting to sell the technology to the Rebels. The Nami, under Tarrak, became a significant threat to the Empire's dominance by obtaining one of its most advanced starfighters and building their own production facilities to independently manufacture them. The Nami also proved to be persistent adversaries in combat, causing significant damage to TIE Defender facilities loyal to the Empire during Tarrak's rule. Ultimately, she was captured and taken to Coruscant to be trained to serve the Emperor.

Before their brief possession of the TIE Defender, the Nami utilized the T-wing interceptor as their main attack fighter, along with a substantial wing of Y-wing starfighters. They also possessed a small fleet of warships, including several Strike-class medium cruisers, such as the Bognog. After capturing the TIE Defender, they established several facilities for its production, but the Empire eventually destroyed these facilities, ending the Nami's short-lived advantage in space.

