
The Rneekii were a band of marauders hailing from the Outer Rim Territories. Among their capital ships were the MC40a light cruiser named Sumpntodo and the Strike-class medium cruisers called Ayenzii and Intombe. Their combat forces utilized R-41 Starchaser fighters alongside Delta-class DX-9 transports. These pirates were known throughout the galaxy.


During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Rneekii made an attempt to commandeer the Assassin-class corvette known as the Hashim group, seeking its valuable cargo of TIE Defender prototypes. They employed an ion cannon minefield to achieve this. However, their plan was thwarted by the intervention of Tan Maarek Stele and reinforcements in the form of assault gunboats. In the course of this same conflict, before the Empire could get Stele's fighter airborne, the pirates kidnapped an Imperial TIE Defender scientist from the Lambda-class shuttle named G'nabgib, intending to demand a ransom for his return. Later, as the Imperials tried moving the Defender prototypes from the damaged corvettes onto cargo ferries, the Sumpntodo appeared, attempting to disrupt the operation, but it did not succeed.

At Kiilimaar, the Rneekii plotted to auction off the captured scientist to the highest bidder, which predictably turned out to be the Empire. The agreed-upon exchange dictated that the Imperials could send an unarmed shuttle accompanied by an assault gunboat escort, while the pirates would have a squadron of six R-41 Starchasers guarding the transport carrying the scientist. Positioned nearby the designated meeting location was the Intombe, with its hangar stocked with additional R-41 fighters as backup. However, this turned out to be a double-cross orchestrated by Admiral Thrawn, with Maarek Stele executing the plan from the cockpit of the gunboat. The Empire deceived the Rneekii by paying the ransom, securing the scientist's release, and then transmitting a coded command to attack the pirates, "full speed to Kiilimaar."

Initially fighting alone, Stele was crucial in taking out the transport that was supposed to deliver the ransom to Intombe. Exploiting his gunboat's potent concussion missiles and tractor beam, the R-41s were outmatched, swiftly ensnared, and destroyed by a single warhead each. As the Strike cruiser launched R-41s to eliminate the Lambda shuttle, Stele successfully repelled their numerous attacks, ensuring the scientist's safe escape.

Upon the transmission of the code, the Imperials activated their trap, deploying the Interdictor Cruiser named Red Claw, along with two assault transports. Now severely outnumbered, the Rneekii were unable to escape and suffered near-total annihilation. Their R-41s were shot down by Stele and the Red Claw's TIE interceptors, while the Intombe was obliterated by heavy rockets fired from the assault transports and TIE bombers. Only a small number of Rneekii pirates—those in possession of the Imperial ransom—survived, only to be captured by the Empire.

The whereabouts of the Rneekii's other capital ship, Sumpntodo, remain unknown.

