Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transport

title: Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transport

The Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transport, a creation of KonGar Ship Works, functioned as a heavily armed and shielded vessel. Its primary function was transporting stormtroopers and initiating boarding actions against enemy starships and space stations. It saw widespread use not only within the Rebel Alliance but also among various pirate groups.


Similar to its predecessor, the Delta-class DX-9 transport, the ATR-6 incorporated two multi-purpose warhead launchers along with a pair of forward-firing ion cannons. Both models were engineered to deliver troops directly into battle zones for the purpose of capturing enemy vessels.

A key difference between the ATR-6 and the Delta-class DX-9 transport lies in the absence of frontal laser cannons on the ATR-6. However, this was compensated for by the inclusion of four turrets situated on the top, bottom, and sides of the vessel, providing comprehensive coverage. This arrangement allowed the ATR-6 to engage targets from various angles, enhancing its offensive capabilities. Furthermore, it provided a crucial defense against incoming starfighter attacks. The combination of robust turrets, enhanced shielding, and reinforced armor enabled the ship to sustain attacks under heavy fire, reducing its reliance on supporting starfighters for softening targets.

Compared to the DX-9, the ATR-6 boasted superior shields and a more resilient hull. While the DX-9 could be disabled with two proton torpedo hits, the ATR-6 was reported to withstand up to three such impacts.

The Beta-class ETR-3 escort transport emerged as a further evolution of the ATR-6. The ETR-3 maintained the ATR-6's basic hull structure, preserving its size and troop capacity. However, the ETR-3 featured an additional dorsal pod, reintroduced frontal laser cannons, and possessed enhanced shields and armor. Despite these advancements, the ATR-6 remained the primary choice for existing users.


The ATR-6 posed a significant threat to any attacker, particularly those with unshielded vessels. During the Sepan Civil War, the Ripoblus launched an assault on the Dimok Science Station Youst, spearheaded by six Assault Transports. The station's defending fighters, comprised of Z-95 Headhunters and Delta-class JV-7 escort shuttles, quickly succumbed to the ATR-6's turrets.

When Admiral Harkov's forces arrived to counter the Ripoblus, they deployed TIE/sa bombers, intending to eliminate the ATR-6s from a safe distance using proton torpedoes. Imperial pilots discovered that a fully operational ATR-6 could endure three torpedo hits, resulting in the loss of several Bombers attempting to finish off damaged ATR-6s with laser cannon fire. Maarek Stele made the strategic decision to switch to proton rockets, which required more precise aiming but proved capable of destroying an ATR-6 with a single hit.

In coordinated groups, the ATR-6 could challenge significantly larger vessels, especially when equipped with heavy rockets instead of proton torpedoes. A notable example was the failed recapture of the TIE/D Defender research facility in the Parmel system by the traitor Admiral Demetrius Zaarin. His attacking force of Assault Transports successfully repelled TIE fighters from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Adarga and inflicted substantial damage on the capital ship itself. After forcing Agarda to retreat into hyperspace, Zaarin's transports nearly succeeded in capturing the R&D facility, but were ultimately thwarted by the loyalist Maarek Stele.

Stele implemented innovative tactics against the overwhelming number of ATR-6s, intercepting many of their rockets before they could strike Adarga, and utilizing ion cannons to disable damaged ATR-6s. Ironically, loyalist Imperial forces under Stele's command had previously employed the same class of ATR-6s, albeit in smaller numbers, to seize the TIE Defender base.

Behind the scenes

The ATR-6 was identified as a product of KonGar Ship Works within Star Wars: TIE Fighter and X-wing Alliance. However, X-wing vs. TIE Fighter attributed its manufacture to Telgorn Corporation. This inconsistency remains unexplained, although it is possible that the companies collaborated on the design or that KonGar is a subsidiary of Telgorn. The subsequent ETR-3 was manufactured by Telgorn.

The Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transport made its debut in the X-wing series of computer games. A similar, yet distinct vessel, the Gamma-class assault shuttles, were initially described in the West End Games publication Imperial Sourcebook. Initially, it was unclear whether the assault transport and assault shuttle were intended to be the same, as the games were known to use alternate models and statistics for various ships. However, both the assault shuttle and assault transport appeared in Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, confirming their status as separate entities. Unlike the Gamma shuttle, the ATR-6 assault transport has not been featured extensively outside of the X-wing games.

The Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transport, alongside the Delta-class DX-9 transport, received a brief mention in The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology as being equipped with a pair of proton torpedo launchers.

