The ETR-3 escort transport of the Beta-class was a vessel of medium size, used for troop transport, and manufactured by the Telgorn Corporation.
Considering its dimensions, it possessed substantial armaments; its four turbolasers along with its pair of proton-torpedo launchers allowed it to pose a serious threat to any isolated starfighter. Furthermore, it was equipped with general-purpose warhead launchers (typically loaded with proton torpedoes), laser cannons, and ion cannons in its frontal section, enabling it to engage or seize control of capital ships and orbital stations. While it lacked the speed of a starfighter, its maximum velocity was on par with most cargo and troop transports, except for the very fastest. Despite being more than twice the size, the ETR-3s, because of its features, most notably its evasion capabilities, evoked comparisons to the LAAT/i from the era of the Clone Wars.
The ETR-3 represented a further evolution of the Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transport. The primary hull design of the ATR-6 was retained in the ETR-3, resulting in a similar overall size and troop-carrying capacity. However, the ETR-3 featured an added dorsal pod, reintroduced forward-firing laser cannons, and boasted enhanced shields and armor plating. Even with these improvements, the ETR-3 did not represent a massive upgrade compared to the ATR-6, which remained the primary transport within the Imperial Navy's forces. It was also intended to provide escort for construction ships as they established planetary outposts on worlds that had not yet been pacified. With the capability to carry up to 40 soldiers, it could transport an entire speeder bike squad. The ETR-3's robust construction, which made it well-suited for both military and civilian roles, led to its widespread use throughout the galaxy. Due to its capacity for extensive modification, the vessel was adapted to fulfill a diverse range of functions, from basic transport duties to serving as a testbed for Admiral Zaarin's TIE Experimental Project, which focused on cutting-edge and novel technologies.
Later, the ETR-3 became a core component of Death Squadron, with the transport playing a significant role in engagements with Alliance Starfighter Corps Squadrons during the Battle of Endor/Legends.