Ripoblus government

The governing authority of the planet Ripoblus and its inhabitants was the Ripoblus government. This government was a rival to the Dimok government during the Sepan Civil War, until the Galactic Empire made an intervention in 3 ABY.


The Galactic Empire hoped to capture the leaders of Dimok and Ripoblus near Sepan 8

The people of Ripoblus maintained a considerable fleet. This fleet included BTL Y-wing starfighters, Z-95 Headhunters, Delta-class JV-7 escort shuttles, and Lambda-class T-4a shuttles. Their capital ships were EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates. During the conflict, the Secret Order of the Emperor suspected that an Imperial power was providing them with arms, as one member of the Order observed that their facilities could not produce the types of ships they were using.

