The Dimok government served as the governing authority for the planet of Dimok and its inhabitants. This governing body stood in opposition to the Ripoblus government throughout the duration of the Sepan Civil War, an opposition that lasted until the Galactic Empire intervened in 3 ABY.

The Dimok people maintained a relatively small naval force, a force that was likely strained due to their ongoing conflict with the Ripoblus population.
Among their starfighter assets were BTL Y-wing starfighters, Z-95 Headhunters, and Lambda-class T-4a shuttles. Their squadrons of starfighters included Adam Squadron, Baker Squadron, Bordok Squadron, Elba Squadron, Givin Squadron, and Larkma Squadron. A significant number of their vessels were merchant ships that had been repurposed for military applications, such as cargo ferries and CR92a Assassin-class corvettes. Regarding capital ships, they utilized MC40a light cruisers, including vessels like the Ben Het and the Falaricae. Furthermore, they possessed a space station known as Science Station Youst, which was defended by Z-95 Headhunters and Delta-class JV-7 escort shuttles.
During the course of the war, the Dimoks once attempted to intercept a Ripoblus convoy, asserting that they were confiscating illicit war materials. These supplies included Imperial munitions, which could not be legitimately obtained. Ironically, the Secret Order of the Emperor harbored suspicions that they were being armed by an Imperial source, as a member of the Order observed that their facilities lacked the capacity to produce the craft they were employing. These suspicions were later validated when Dimok ships were discovered to be transporting Imperial munitions and supplies.