Science Station Youst

Science Station Youst, an XQ1 Platform, served a dual purpose for the Dimoks: it functioned as both a research center and a clandestine weapons development site.


Near the conclusion of the four-decade-long Sepan Civil War in 3 ABY, the station became the target of an assault by Ripoblus forces. This attack, known as the Battle of Science Station Youst, was retaliation for a raid on their convoy carried out by Dimok raiders. The station's defensive capabilities, which comprised two Escort Shuttles alongside several Z-95 Headhunters, proved inadequate to fend off the assault, prompting a call for reinforcements. Admiral Harkov, commanding the starship Protector, responded and repelled the Ripoblus offensive, even as the Ripoblus voiced their objections regarding Youst's concealed activities. Subsequently, Maarek Stele conducted an inspection of the containers, discovering that Science Station Youst was warehousing illicit weaponry for research purposes. This discovery substantiated the Ripoblus' accusations and validated the Secret Order's concerns. Consequently, Harkov seized control of the station, despite the Dimoks' efforts to prevent its capture.

