The Dimok system, alternatively named the Sepan system, existed as a star system situated inside the Sepan sector of the Slice region, which itself was a part of the Expansion Region.
Within the boundaries of the Sepan system were the planets named Dimok, Gaerboud IV, Gerbaud 2, Kuthard, Ripoblus, and Sepan 8. Furthermore, the Deep Space Manufacturing Facility called Sentinel and the XQ1 Platform known as Youst were located there.
The Sepan species, sentient humanoids who were divided into the Dimok and Ripoblus populations, both of which inhabited the system's two main planets, considered the Sepan system their home.
The Sepan Civil War, a prolonged and on-again, off-again conflict spanning centuries between the Dimoks and the Ripoblus, occurred within the Sepan system.