Ambush at Alderaan

The Alderaan Ambush occurred in 7 ABY within [the Graveyard], where Warlord Zsinj's forces obliterated a New Republic bacta convoy.

Acting on intelligence provided by Ysanne Isard, Zsinj deployed his Executor-class Star Dreadnought, the Iron Fist, accompanied by the Strike-class medium cruiser Termagant, to [the Graveyard] near Alderaan. Their mission was to intercept the convoy awaiting its Rogue Squadron escort. Unbeknownst to Isard, her ambitious subordinate Kirtan Loor dispatched a dozen X-wings painted in Rogue Squadron colors, aiming to seize the convoy and profit from the valuable bacta cargo. Eager to exact revenge on the Rogues, Zsinj annihilated Loor's squadron and destroyed all convoy ships except the Pulsar Skate, which secretly escaped to the Alderaan Biotics facility on Borleias.

Just as the Iron Fist entered hyperspace, the real Rogue Squadron, led by Wedge Antilles, arrived to find the convoy destroyed. The Rogues swiftly targeted the Termagant with a proton torpedo barrage directed at a vulnerable modular connection point. This weakness in the cruiser's structure allowed the twenty-two torpedoes to obliterate the vessel. The Rogues then engaged two squadrons of TIE fighters. After most TIEs were downed by the Rogues, the remaining fighters retreated into the Graveyard, presumably hoping Zsinj would rescue them. Two Lambda-class shuttles that had observed the battle quickly jumped to hyperspace. The Rogues were then forced to return to Coruscant without the critically needed bacta supply.

In the aftermath of the battle, the Provisional Council quickly authorized a task force under the command of General Han Solo, tasking them with one objective: the destruction of the Iron Fist.

