Modified Strike Cruisers were Strike-class medium cruisers from the Loronar Corporation that the Alliance to Restore the Republic enhanced; these modifications enabled them to deploy gravity well projectors.
Due to the absence of a more suitable name, the Rebel Alliance designated the Strike-class cruisers from Loronar, retrofitted with stolen gravity well projectors, as "Modified Strike Cruisers." This unique variant of the Strike-class cruiser featured a hull redesigned to accommodate gravity well projectors within two prominent external structures. This allowed the ship to function as an interdictor, mirroring the role of the Imperial Immobilizer 418 cruiser.
The initial Modified Strike Cruiser was the Peregrine, which underwent a refit by the Rebel Alliance and their Airam collaborators, incorporating gravity well projectors salvaged from the captured Interdictor cruiser Compellor. Reportedly, another vessel, the Sagina, was constructed according to this blueprint at shipyard Calenz within the Nocto system, though its operational status concerning gravity well projectors at the time of the shipyard's destruction remains uncertain.
Following the Airam campaign, no further appearances of this class were documented. The Rebellion seemingly abandoned the pursuit and/or lacked the means to produce such vessels after the destruction of their Calenz shipyard. Consequently, they shifted towards utilizing the CC-7700 frigate and increasingly relied on captured Immobilizer 418 cruisers.