The Airam constituted a clan-centered society of an unspecified species. They inhabited space within the Airam sector, situated in the Outer Rim Territories.
At least a single Airam installation existed within the Kuras Drift, located in the neighboring Elrood sector.
The Airam were known for their strong independence. Noteworthy clan chieftains included Tamaron and Ilay. Their reputation as individuals who skirted the edges of legality was reinforced by their occasional involvement with piracy and other unlawful enterprises. The Airam also possessed significant technical skills. Individuals from one clan lent assistance to the Rebel Alliance in their endeavor to adapt gravity-well generator technology, taken from a captured interdictor cruiser, for use on an Alliance Strike-class cruiser.
Self-destructive zealotry was a recognized aspect of Airam culture. The Galactic Empire even attempted to exploit this trait by employing conscripts, sold to them by clan leader Ilay, as suicide strike pilots. The Airam later exacted revenge upon the Empire, ironically, by utilizing kamikaze tactics to obliterate the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer named Vengeance.
Spaceships frequently utilized by the Airam encompassed Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers, CR90 corvettes, Muurian transports, R-41 Starchasers and T-wing interceptors.