
Ilay was the chieftain of the Airam group. In contrast to most opposing clan leaders, Ilay felt that aligning with the Alliance to Restore the Republic was a grave error; she chose instead to remain loyal to the Galactic Empire.

She eventually convened with Admiral Senn's military contingent aboard her CR90 corvette, named Magua, within the Aiqin 4 system, even as rebel forces pursued her. These rebel forces were subsequently repelled by Imperial troops. Admiral Senn assured her that, should the Alliance be defeated, she would be appointed as the governor of the entire Airam sector. In exchange, she divulged intelligence regarding a planned exchange of rebel weaponry for Airam bacta in the vicinity of Elbra. This information led to the capture of the rebel Medium Transport Hoopaju (which was transporting weapons) and the Airam Modular conveyor Pobel by forces from ISD Rage. The escorting Airam Muurian transport Lod was destroyed. She also exposed the location of an imminent rebel/Airam resupply operation within the Kuras Drift, going so far as to dispatch her own forces to aid the Empire in an attack mission against that resupply operation, although it proved unsuccessful.

Following the skirmish in the Kuras Drift, Ilay arrived for another meeting to finalize her accord with the Empire. This time, she journeyed to Aiqin 4 on the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser Kala'din. The Rebels, however, had discovered this rendezvous and successfully abducted her in a surprise attack. Through interrogation, it was uncovered that she had been selling conscripts and warheads to the Empire. The Rebels stopped the attempt to resupply the Imperials. The Airam conscripts later verified that they were slated to undergo preliminary flight instruction aboard the Star Dreadnaught, after which they would be deployed on suicide missions against Alliance forces within the sector. The substantial stockpile of warheads provided by Ilay would have posed a significant threat to the rebels during these missions.

The Battle of Nocto concluded the Imperial campaign against the Alliance and the Airam insurgents shortly thereafter.

