The Airam sector, a sector, resided in the Outer Rim, neighboring the Elrood sector. The extensive Blair Cluster was situated within this sector.
This isolated sector served as the territory of the fiercely autonomous clan-based Airam. Furthermore, it provided refuge to lawbreakers, pirates, smugglers, and individuals seeking to evade the Galactic Empire, including the Alliance Fleet. Subsequently, the Airam became part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, establishing the Airam Sector Force.
Approximately around 3 ABY, Rebel Navy units relocated to the Airam sector, aiming to establish a presence and evade the pursuing Imperial fleet. Throughout this campaign, they were compelled to engage Task Force Vengeance, dispatched by the Empire with the objective of subjugating the Airam sector.
After the Battle of Endor, the Airam sector was one of the earliest to liberate itself from Imperial control.