Battle near the Blair Cluster

The engagement that occurred in proximity to the Blair Cluster represents an instance of Task Force Vengeance's combat operations within the Airam sector. Forces of the Galactic Empire deployed the interdictor cruiser Compellor to extract Airamite freighters from hyperspace along a well-known hyperspace route. Subsequently, they moved to neutralize the vessels and detain their crews and passengers.

Contextual Information

While pursuing elements of the Rebel Alliance into the then-neutral Airam sector, the Imperial Star Destroyer Rage and its support cruiser, the Interdictor Compellor, established a strategic ambush point near a frequently used hyperspace jump location bordering the Blair Cluster. The devised strategy centered around the Compellor employing its gravity well projectors to forcibly remove from hyperspace and subsequently ensnare any vessels transiting through the designated area. Avenger Squadron, equipped with shielded TIE interceptors, would then compel the targeted ships to surrender. Following compliance, Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transports under the command of Sigma Squadron would deploy boarding parties for inspection purposes. The intention was to apprehend wanted individuals, confiscate illegal goods, and, when deemed necessary, secure prisoners for interrogation. Capital ship defense was the responsibility of Beta and Gamma Squadrons, flying TIE/sa bombers and TIE/LN starfighters.

The Clash

Within moments of the operation's commencement, the Airam shuttle Ellichon was forcibly returned to realspace. Initially, it attempted to evade capture by heading towards a nearby asteroid field in hopes of concealment, but warning shots from Avenger Squadron brought it to a halt. Similarly, the Squit, a YT-1300 freighter, and the Beta-class ETR-3 escort transport Redeye initially attempted to flee before submitting. The situation grew more complex with the arrival of the Rebel Alliance Gallofree medium transport Gilder accompanied by its X-wing escort. Following a short engagement, in which the Rebel starfighters were downed by Imperial TIEs and turbolaser fire, it too surrendered. Hard on the heels of the Imperials' initial, small-scale success came the Airam Dreadnaught-class cruiser Anat and its two CR90 corvette escorts, Grom 1 and Grom 2. Displaying defiance in the face of overwhelming firepower and a commitment to defending their territory against the invaders, the Anat's commanding officers authorized the launch of T-wing and R-41 squadrons, designated Spike and Mallet. Spike Squadron was tasked with engaging the Imperial fighters, while Mallet Squadron would launch torpedo attacks against Compellor in an attempt to force its withdrawal.

The Imperial response was swift. The Rage ordered Beta Squadron to eliminate the corvettes first, followed by the Dreadnaught. Avenger and Gamma Squadrons provided cover, eliminating the Airam starfighters. Beta's torpedoes and the concentrated fire from Rage brought down the Airam capital ships. With all resistance neutralized, Sigma Squadron successfully completed their boarding operations. The Empire emerged victorious.


The Imperial inspections revealed that each of the intercepted vessels carried either wanted criminals, illegal goods, or both. This discovery, coupled with the audacious attack by the Airam Dreadnaught, solidified their belief that their campaign was long overdue. A decision was made to retaliate, with the specifics of the response contingent on the information extracted from their newly acquired prisoners.

