
The Compellor was an Immobilizer 418 cruiser, a vessel serving within the Imperial Navy and commanded by Captain Rigell. It met its end when members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic absconded with it, extracted its gravity well projectors, and ultimately scuttled the starship.


During the period of the Galactic Civil War, the Compellor held a crucial role within Task Force Vengeance, overseen by Admiral Senn, as it was instrumental in the operation to integrate the Airam Sector into the Galactic Empire. Operating alongside the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Rage in a small combat group, the Compellor proved to be a potent asset in the pursuit of concealed Rebels and Airam pirates. Whenever the fleet encountered an enemy staging area, the Compellor's presence ensured that the opposition could not escape into hyperspace.

The Rebels swiftly recognized the Compellor's strategic value and made repeated attempts to eliminate it, all of which were unsuccessful. The ship withstood an assault launched by pilots from both Viper and Phoenix Squadrons. Subsequently, it received orders to proceed to Repair Yard KDY-77 situated in the Swellen system for the installation of a missile defense system. However, while en route, it was rerouted to join Battlegroup Orion during the ambush in the Goff system, where the Compellor distinguished itself as the sole vessel to evade the Rebel trap.

Delta-class stormtrooper transport trying to board the interdictor Compellor just before its self-destruction

Later, the Rebels managed to track the ship to the repair facility, seizing control of the interdictor during the Battle of Swellen. They then transported it to an Airam X7 Factory installation located within the Mobetta system. It was there that the Rebels removed the gravity well projectors from the damaged ship, integrating them into the modified Strike-class cruiser known as the Peregrine.

After the Peregrine departed from the facility, an Imperial search party discovered the now-defunct interdictor. Dispatching a squadron of Delta-class stormtrooper transports to investigate the derelict vessel, the Imperials were caught off guard when the Compellor, having been rigged with explosives, detonated from within. This explosion resulted in the destruction of all the transports, along with the cruiser itself, effectively eliminating any trace of the Rebels' acquisition of the gravity well projectors and paving the way for the retreat from Gallofree.

