Repair Yard

The Repair Yard of the Telgorn Corporation, a starship repair depot, could be found in numerous places across the galaxy.


The repair yard was adequately sized to service ships as large as an Interdictor cruiser or a Carrack cruiser, and its facilities were suitable for starships of every function and size.

The Telgorn Repair Yard provided complete servicing, with workshops and repair bays for all kinds of starship reconstruction, from atmospheric wear and tear to significant battle damage. This even included the starship's contingent of droids.

The interior hangars could accommodate a fleet of maintenance and utility vehicles, and they also featured a jamming beam to stop starfighters from firing their laser weapons while inside, whether by accident or on purpose. These hangars could even serve as launch bays for a wing of starfighters, such as Avenger squadron, which might be stationed on the repair yard to provide defense.

Given its role as a repair facility for vessels of all types, the Telgorn Repair Yard did not come standard with offensive weapons. Instead, it depended on its very strong shield system and heavy armor plating to preserve the hull's integrity.

At military bases, these facilities were frequently defended by warships, starfighters, or stationary Gun Emplacements.

Known stations

