Mobetta system

The Mobetta system existed within the Airam sector, situated in the Outer Rim Territories. Seemingly, it possessed a relatively high level of industrialization compared to other systems in Airam.

Within this system were the Rebel starship component factory known as Soren, along with the Airam Deep Space Manufacturing Facility called Gallofree.

Task Force Vengeance discovered and promptly destroyed Soren.

At Gallofree, the Rebel Alliance moved the gravity well projectors taken from the stolen Interdictor Compellor and installed them on the Strike-class medium cruiser Peregrine, thus originating the first Modified Strike Cruiser.

The Rebels were forced to fend off several Imperial attacks until the Peregrine achieved completion and underwent successful testing. Appreciative of the assistance from their Airam allies, the Rebels successfully defended the factory during the retreat from Gallofree.

Behind the scenes

Although the game doesn't provide a specific timeline for the Rebel and Imperial missions, the First Battle of Mobetta (Imperial Campaign, mission #5) occurred before the capture of the INT Compellor and before Avenger Squadron was equipped with their TIE/ad starfighters. Consequently, it predates the three battles featured in the Rebel Campaign (missions #8, 9, and 11).

