The clash known as the Second Battle of Mobetta unfolded in space between the forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the military might of the Galactic Empire. Crucially, this engagement marked the arrival of the Immobilizer 418 cruiser named Compellor within the Airam sector at the X7 factory of Gallofree, thereby enabling the commencement of refurbishment work on the Strike-class cruiser known as Peregrine.
Following the events of the Battle of Swellen, Alliance High Command anticipated a significant search and rescue operation from the Empire to locate their lost interdictor ship. To safeguard the Compellor's arrival, Rogue and Green Squadrons were strategically positioned by the Rebels near the Airam factory.
The Rebel's foresight proved justified when TIE Avengers belonging to Zeta Squadron emerged from hyperspace into the system, immediately engaging the Rebel forces. The Zeta fighters aimed to disrupt and distract the Compellor's fighter defense.
Amidst the intense fighting, two squadrons of Assault Gunboats warped into the system and targeted the damaged interdictor, seeking to render it inoperable.
Displaying exceptional skill, Rogue Squadron successfully eliminated the Imperial fighter threat. However, the Empire's search efforts were relentless, and following the Avengers and Assault Gunboats, three heavily armored Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transports (en route to the Compellor) along with two agile Corellian corvettes (equipped with advanced surveillance technology) materialized from hyperspace.
Through a hard-fought battle determined by the Rebel pilots' abilities, the Alliance managed to clear the Mobetta system of Imperial vessels, temporarily preserving the Compellor's location in secrecy.