Attack on Soren

The space skirmish known as the Soren Offensive involved combatants from the Galactic Empire's Task Force Vengeance against the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Imperial objective centered around obtaining crucial intel at a Rebel starship component manufacturing site, with subsequent demolition planned.


A Rebel starfighter detachment had previously attacked the interdictor Compellor within the Goff system. This action alerted the Empire to the fact that the Alliance High Command understood Task Force Vengeance's reliance on the strategic deployment of its gravity well projectors. The surviving Rebel pilots, after their defeat, were captured and interrogated. Some divulged important details in an attempt to evade execution.

The information gleaned from these pilots caused Admiral Wooyou Senn, the commanding officer of Task Force Vengeance, to surmise that a Rebel shipyard was located in the Mobetta system. Instead, he discovered the less significant component factory named Soren. Given the stationary nature of the target, the Compellor was excluded from the operation. The interdictor was rerouted to the repair facilities at Swellen for the installation of an anti-warhead missile defense system.

The Conflict

Upon arrival in the Mobetta system, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Rage dispatched TIE/IN interceptors from its renowned Avenger Squadron to eliminate Gavial Squadron, a Rebel squadron composed of T-65 X-wing starfighters. While the Avengers engaged the X-wings, the Rebel YT-1300 freighter Goldhawk raced toward the Soren, successfully entering its hangar bay. Once the Soren's static defenses and Rebel starfighter support were neutralized, Beta Squadron's TIE/sa bombers unleashed a barrage of proton torpedoes on the factory, depleting its shields. Subsequently, the Rage deployed stormtrooper transports.

However, the battle persisted. The Goldhawk, accompanied by two Lambda-class T-4a shuttles, attempted an escape toward the Calamari Cruiser Crucible, which had appeared to evacuate the panicked factory staff. Critically, the YT-1300 tried to destroy the Imperial stormtrooper transports from Sigma Squadron, but it was obliterated by Avenger Squadron. After the Imperial TIEs also destroyed both shuttles, the Crucible chose to retreat. It launched Y-wings and Z-95 Headhunters to provide cover. The Blood Squadron Y-wings targeted the Rage, while Sundancer Squadron's Z-95s engaged the TIEs. Beta Squadron, in turn, attacked the Crucible. Both Rebel squadrons were decimated.

After the destruction of both squadrons, the Mon Calamari warship successfully jumped to hyperspace. Once the Imperial boarding party completed the data extraction from the Soren's datacore, they planted explosives, evacuated the factory, and detonated it.


The successful operation provided the Empire with a wealth of intelligence. Analysis of the recovered data began immediately, and campaign adjustments were planned based on the findings. However, Task Force Vengeance was again compelled to acknowledge a potential ongoing threat. The Rebel Alliance's demonstrated ability to assemble new cruiser-class warships in the sector indicated a significant threat from their Airam operations. If unchecked, this production could eventually shift the balance of power in favor of the Rebellion. Imperial intelligence and reconnaissance efforts were quickly redirected to locating the shipyard.

More encouraging news emerged regarding the Airam themselves. The clans' commitment to the Rebel cause was found to be less than absolute. Intelligence concluded that the Airam's internal divisions presented an opportunity for exploitation. Imperial Intelligence confidently assessed that, with effort, the Empire could undermine the Rebellion's attempts to recruit the Airam Clans into the Alliance. The Rage's subsequent mission would be focused on this objective.

