The Goff system, a star system, resided within the Airam sector found in the Outer Rim Territories.
As a display of Imperial naval strength, Task Force Vengeance captured an Airam supply platform located in the system, intending to utilize it as an advanced base of operations. They subsequently repelled a Rebel Alliance retaliatory strike directed at the Interdictor Cruiser named Compellor.
Subsequently, the Rebel forces orchestrated a ruse to ensnare the Imperial Battlegroup Orion within the Goff system.
Avenger Squadron employed their enhanced TIE/IN interceptor fighters during the initial seizure of the platform and the defense of the Compellor. However, by the time of the Goff ambush (the third engagement), they had transitioned to utilizing TIE/ad starfighters. This indicates that the ambush occurred after the preceding two conflicts.