Skirmish at Klaatu

The military engagement known as the Skirmish at Klaatu was a scheme orchestrated by the Galactic Empire, with the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Rage at the helm. The goal was to entice the Alliance to Restore the Republic into a carefully laid trap, aiming to capture prominent figures and uncover the location of their clandestine headquarters.


Admiral Senn had discovered that the Airam Clans were not entirely committed to the Rebel Alliance, indicating a lack of full coordination. Seeking to capitalize on this, they orchestrated a convoy of freighters transporting Warheads and military supplies through the Klaatu system. Information about this convoy was intentionally "leaked" to lure Airam forces into an ambush. The Immobilizer 418 cruiser Compellor was undergoing a retrofit and was not ready, so the Rage proceeded without it. This decision was made to further convince the Airam that they would not be caught by Gravity well projectors. The Rage also alerted its pilots to the possibility of Rebel starships appearing, anticipating that they would not abandon their allies to capture.

The Battle

As anticipated, the Airam rebels made their appearance, intending to disable and seize the convoy. All Imperial fighters advanced and engaged the T-wings belonging to Claw Squadron, while the convoy was soon under assault from two Cargo ferries named Lausbee and Nicko, along with the R-41 Starchasers of Jerrid Squadron. Despite suffering fighter losses, the Imperials successfully suppressed the T-wings, inflicting significant damage, and began targeting the Cargo ferries. In response, the R-41 Starchasers launched attacks against both the fighters and the Rage. However, before the ferries could board the convoy ships, they sustained severe shield damage. This, combined with their fighter escorts' inability to fend off the Imperial fighters, led to their surrender and shutdown. The Rage then deployed stormtrooper transports to board and secure the ferries, as well as to repair the convoy, ensuring it reached its intended destination. The Imperial fighters successfully provided cover against the remaining Airam fighters, eliminating the remaining threats, and the transports boarded both the Airam ships and seized them while repairing the convoy craft to allow it to proceed with its mission.

Suddenly, a group of Escort shuttles designated Arrow arrived and launched torpedoe attacks on the Rage. Although the Rage sustained multiple hits, its starfighters managed to destroy the shuttles before the ship was forced to retreat from the battle.


The capture of the Airam ships and the losses sustained demonstrated to the Airam the high cost of their involvement with the rebels. The captured prisoners then revealed the location of the rebel base and the Empire dispatched its forces to destroy it.

