
The Nharwaak represented a sentient species that, coexisting with the Habeen, inhabited the Outer Rim planet of Mylok IV within the Mylok system.

CR90 corvettes produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation were vitally important to the Nharwaak, forming the principal component of their capital ship fleet. They also made use of older starfighters, for instance, the Y-wing.

Hyperdrive innovation

Scientists from both the Habeen and Nharwaak collaborated on the creation of a groundbreaking new hyperdrive design. This design was sufficiently compact and affordable to permit its integration into mass-produced TIE starfighters (unlike the prototype TIE Advanced x1 flown by Darth Vader during the Battle of Yavin). The incorporation of hyperdrives into starfighters had presented a difficult challenge for engineers long before the Galactic Civil War. Notably, even before the Clone Wars, Jedi starfighters typically lacked internal hyperdrives, relying on a Hyperdrive docking ring for interstellar journeys.

Consequently, the joint Habeen/Nharwaak hyperdrive technology represented a pivotal technological advancement, holding significant ramifications for both the Galactic Empire and their opposition, the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

The Habeen, motivated by either fear or loyalty, chose to serve the Empire by supplying customers, specifically in the person of Grand Admiral Zaarin. Conversely, the Nharwaak, possibly driven by idealism, opted to provide the hyperdrive technology to the Rebellion.

Convoy attack

Shortly following the Battle of Hoth, as the Habeen commenced the transfer of the new technology to Zaarin's forces aboard the Nebulon-B2 frigate Shamus, the Nharwaak launched an assault on the rendezvous point. This attack involved a pair of CR90 corvettes, the Charger 1 and Charger 2, along with numerous Y-wings and Z-95 Headhunters. The attack was unsuccessful, and the convoy survived, owing in part to the exceptional piloting skills of Maarek Stele, a future Emperor's Hand who would subsequently play a crucial role in thwarting the Nharwaak's objectives.

Imperial counterstrike

The Imperial response was swift. Upon discovering a concealed Nharwaak base situated amidst a collection of lightly defended Xizor cargo container guarded by Y-wings, Admiral Zaarin initiated a TIE/sa bomber attack originating from the Modified Frigate Shamus. The destruction of the workshop represented a significant setback, severely impairing the Nharwaak scientists' capacity for research and development. Furthermore, the attack resulted in the destruction of several CR90 corvettes, Petor group and Shotgun group, carrying missiles and torpedoes, further diminishing the Nharwaak's offensive capabilities.

Attack on the Habeen

Following the destruction of their hidden base, the Nharwaak retaliated by obliterating a Habeen tech center situated near Mylok IV. Unable to dispatch the Shamus in time, Zaarin deployed the Assassin-class corvette Phoenix accompanied by TIE Bombers and TIE Interceptors to defend the Habeen installation. Despite their intention to inflict substantial damage, the Nharwaak were ultimately repelled by the heroic efforts of Maarek Stele, while the Habeen work crew and station supplies were successfully evacuated.

Diplomatic incident

When the Habeen decided to establish normal diplomatic relations with the Empire, the Nharwaak attempted to undermine Zaarin's negotiations aboard the Shamus by dispatching Y-wings and the corvettes of Phazer group to attack the Habeen Nebulon-B frigate Lendova. Once again, Maarek Stele's brilliance in a TIE Interceptor proved decisive, as he nearly single-handedly drove back the Nharwaak fighters. The diplomatic meeting concluded successfully, with the Habeen agreeing to transfer the new hyperdrive technology to the Empire.

Rebel arms deal

In response to the Habeen's agreement, the Nharwaak initiated negotiations with the Rebels to provide them with the same technology. A meeting was arranged between the Nharwaak CR90 corvettes, Glazer, Coffey, and Janson, and the Rebel Nebulon-B Frigate Xerxes. Zaarin strategically allowed the meeting to commence before disrupting it with a devastating ambush involving Assault Gunboats and TIE Bombers launched from the Shamus. The Rebel frigate was destroyed, along with the Nharwaak's aspirations of assisting the Rebellion.

