Mylok IV

Mylok IV, often shortened to Mylok, represented the fourth planet within the Mylok system. Its location was situated in the Outer Rim territories of the galaxy.


After discovering the system's recent advancement in hyperdrive technology, Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin developed an interest in it. It is believed that Zaarin, who was in the process of developing the advanced TIE Avenger and TIE/D Defender, sought to enhance the capabilities of these two starfighters. Around 3 ABY, Zaarin made his way to the system and discovered that the Habeen and Nharwaak, the native populations responsible for the hyperdrive's creation, were engaged in a civil war. The Habeen requested assistance from the Galactic Empire in return for the innovative hyperdrive technology. The Nharwaak responded by seeking aid from the Rebel Alliance. Once the technology was handed over from the Habeen to the Empire, the Nharwaak and the Alliance launched a surprise attack on the meeting. However, the combined Nharwaak and Rebel forces were defeated thanks to the actions of the Imperial pilot Maarek Stele. The Habeen then formally joined the Empire, which allowed Zaarin to swiftly begin manufacturing the TIE Avenger.

