Vengeance (Executor-class)

The Vengeance was an Executor-class Star Dreadnought serving the Imperial Navy, under the leadership of Admiral Wooyou Senn. It was believed to have been lost in the Battle of Nocto.


As a flagship, the Vengeance spearheaded Imperial Task Force Vengeance into the Airam sector with the mission to subdue the region and halt the expansion of the Rebel Alliance. Their respective operations were known as Task Force Vengeance and Spreading the Rebellion. Together, these campaigns were popularly referred to as the Balance of Power campaign.

Possible demise of Vengeance

The Rebels gradually weakened the task force through targeted attacks and by disrupting their supply routes. Eventually, Admiral Senn sought to secure a decisive victory by launching a full-scale assault, with the Vengeance at the forefront, against the Rebel stronghold located in the Nocto system. During the subsequent Battle of Nocto, the rebels, supported by their Airam allies, executed a devastating maneuver by ramming three Dreadnaught_s, loaded with explosives, into the rear of the Vengeance. Furthermore, a CR90 corvette, the "Thunder"_ collided with the bridge of the Vengeance, resulting in its complete destruction. Finally, a heavy bomber attack, executed by B-wing starfighters, successfully breached its deflector shields, leading to the dreadnought's annihilation.

Despite conflicting accounts regarding the battle's outcome, it is generally believed that both the Vengeance and the Rebel shipyard Calenz were destroyed during this engagement.

Behind the scenes

Within the game, the Vengeance was depicted as having a length of eight kilometers, which was considered canon for the Executor-class at that time. However, the cover art for Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance of Power Campaigns portrays it as a significantly larger vessel, aligning with the now-established length of nineteen kilometers.

The shorter length implies that the Vengeance might have been among the initial group of four Executor-class warships commissioned by the Emperor before the Battle of Yavin. However, The Essential Guide to Warfare identifies the Executor, the Reaper, the Aggressor and the Brawl as the first four ships of that class, and makes no mention of the Vengeance. Furthermore, The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels states that only four Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts were known to have been in active service to the Empire by the time of the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY.

Regardless, given that the first mission to Almaran was undertaken by the Alliance shortly after the Battle of Hoth, the Vengeance was likely the fifth or sixth Executor-class warship constructed for the Empire, and the second such vessel completed at the Fondor Shipyards—the first being the Executor.

The Dark Jedi Jerec later commanded another SSD named Vengeance, but it appears to be of a completely different design, exhibiting a much sleeker profile than the Executor-class.

Canonicity of destruction

The canonicity of the SSD Vengeance's destruction is open to interpretation. The Balance of Power expansion for the X-wing vs. TIE Fighter game, the only source featuring this ship, includes campaigns for both the Empire and the Rebellion. Both campaigns lead to the same climactic battle where the Vengeance leads a major assault on a Rebel shipyard. When playing as the Rebels, the final mission's objectives are to defend the shipyard and destroy the Vengeance, while the Imperial mission objectives are the reverse. If the player successfully completes the Imperial campaign, the shipyard is destroyed, and the Vengeance survives.

However, the destruction of both the SSD Vengeance and the Rebel shipyard does not necessarily contradict each other; it could be argued that all missions and cutscenes from Balance of Power are canonical, including the simultaneous destruction of both the shipyard and the SSD Vengeance. This represents the smallest possible alteration to the available information and aligns with the general understanding that the Empire and the Rebellion reached a stalemate in the Airam campaign by essentially eliminating each other's forces. Neither the SSD Vengeance nor Admiral Senn are mentioned again afterward.

