The Reckoning, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, served the Imperial Navy under the command of Admiral Delak Krennel and carried a squadron of TIE fighters. Krennel's ship was a component of Thrawn's task force situated within the Unknown Regions. However, Thrawn, dissatisfied with Krennel's performance, dispatched it back to the Core Worlds shortly before the Battle of Endor.
Ysanne Isard dispatched it to Axxila in 4.5 ABY with the objective to capture both Leonia Tavira and Leia Organa, then transport them to Imperial Center for brainwashing aboard the Lusankya. Although Soontir Fel's utilization of an AT3 Directive resulted in the cancellation of Isard's assignment, Sate Pestage did embark on the Reckoning while at Axxila.
Following Pestage's defection to the Ciutric Hegemony, Krennel led a coup, seizing control, and the Reckoning then became the flagship of the Hegemony. During the Battle of Ciutric, it faced destruction from a combined assault by both the Selonian Fire and Corusca Fire, resulting in the death of its longstanding commanding officer.