Ephin Sarreti was a human male politician, according to legends, who held the position of Grand Moff within the Imperial Remnant starting in 19 ABY. Serving as the Moff for the Braxant sector, Sarreti held relatively progressive views and was a dedicated supporter of Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon.
Coruscant was the home planet of Sarreti and his family. During the Battle of Endor, he was still a young boy, and he matured during the era of the Rebellion. His family was forced to leave their home planet after the fall of Coruscant to the New Republic, eventually finding refuge on Sartinaynian. After settling on the planet, he began his service to the Empire.
Following the arrest of Moff Vilim Disra in 19 ABY for his involvement in the Caamas Document affair, the Council of Moffs selected Sarreti to succeed him as Moff of the Braxant Sector, which contained Bastion, the Remnant's capital.
Throughout the Yuuzhan Vong War, Sarreti remained in his position as Moff. He voiced his support for Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon's plan to assist the New Republic in the war, believing it was the morally correct course of action. Sarreti even volunteered to accompany Pellaeon in a military role, but the Grand Admiral refused, believing he needed a trustworthy ally in Imperial Space to maintain the loyalty of the other Moffs.
Before the Battle of Ithor, he, along with several other Moffs, journeyed to the planet to attend a diplomatic gathering with their New Republic counterparts. His extensive knowledge of the lives of Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya and his advisors aroused suspicion among them.
Following the Battle of Bastion, during which he sustained a broken arm while escaping, Sarreti backed Pellaeon's proposal for the Remnant to join forces with the Galactic Alliance and launch an offensive against the Yuuzhan Vong.
By 40 ABY, Sarreti was among the very few Moffs whom Pellaeon still had faith in as of the Second Battle of Fondor.
Many years later, the Fel Empire paid tribute to Sarreti by naming a Star Destroyer in his honor.
Sarreti's relative youth and life experiences meant that he had never encountered Emperor Palpatine, and he was not as deeply entrenched in Palpatine's prejudices. Having entered Imperial service during its decline, he did not view the past with the same sense of melancholy and rage that older Moffs, such as Kurlen Flennic, often exhibited. This detachment enabled him to advocate for actions that faced opposition from other Imperials, such as forming an alliance with the Galactic Alliance. Nevertheless, he was not an admirer of democracy.
Sarreti was completely loyal to Pellaeon; after the meeting where Pellaeon announced the mobilization of all reserve forces, he requested to accompany the Grand Admiral in a military capacity. Pellaeon trusted Sarreti to maintain order in Imperial Space while he was away on campaign and considered the young man a builder.