The Teardrop massacre took place in 0.5 ABY. Imperial stormtroopers brought complete destruction to an entire town.
The Galactic Empire believed that a Rebel Alliance cell was operating on the planet of Teardrop, so the Star Destroyer named Reprisal received orders to mercilessly eliminate any Rebel ships.
The Rebels had already left by the time the ship got there. The Millennium Falcon was the last ship to depart Teardrop before the Imperials arrived. This transport held the remaining technicians and equipment being evacuated. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca were among the crew members.

As the Millennium Falcon was leaving the planet, it was attacked by Pirate starfighters. Solo and Skywalker managed to take down many of them, but the pirates had superior numbers. Ironically, the turbolasers of the Reprisal ultimately rescued them. Captain Kendal Ozzel, expecting to find Rebels escaping Teardrop, was deceived by Solo, who presented the Millennium Falcon as a civilian vessel requesting access to the planet. Ozzel instead commanded them to leave, which the Rebels promptly did.
Major [Drelfin], the ship's ISB officer, instructed stormtroopers to enter a town and open fire on the civilians, prioritizing aliens, with the intention of blaming it on Rebel instigators within the town. Stormtroopers, including Daric LaRone, were divided into squads and deployed into the city. Taxtro Grave and other stormtrooper snipers were positioned on rooftops.
The massacre resulted in the deaths of all the unarmed civilians in the town.
Following the massacre, stormtrooper Daric LaRone later murdered Major Drelfin aboard the Reprisal. He then escaped in a stolen ISB transport, accompanied by four other stormtroopers who would become the Hand of Judgment.